I’m a “gamer”. What is with that word? “GaMeRrRrRrRrR”? It’s like a cracked-headed buzz word to me. Pop culture jargon. I wasn’t called a “GaMeR” when I was ten. (Note, I am using Myspace Upper/Lower Case variation to accentuate my…
The Tragedy of Needlessly Wasted Passion (Submit to HHR!)
BUT WAIT! It doesn't have to be this way! Fred, our heroic and artsie U of T student, CAN express himself... and so can you! http://www.harthousereview.com/ -Heather
(Why Didn’t I Know About) The Centre for Women and Trans People
Well, people, U of T has a place called the Centre for Women and Trans People, all the way on the Spadina side of life; specifically at 563 Spadina Avenue, in the North Borden Building. Kind of by New College.…
Men of Movember
I think I chose the worst time possible to start up a regular blog for u of t. This semester alone, my sister got married, my friend has moved into my basement and, on Nov. 18th, my grandpa died. Each…
Your Honour, Presenting the Pre-Law Society
As a connection with last week's Sussex Clubhouse, I thought I'd follow in Mary's footsteps, and feature a club (check out Mary's Mais oui - you too can speak French on campus! blog post!). U of T's Pre-Law Society has an…
Welcome to the Sussex Clubhouse!!
You've tried everything – went to all the club fairs, checked out the Hart House, got on all the mailing lists, and scoured the streets for newsletters. You've just had to face it, there's no club out there that's just…
I Boogaloo-ed Electrically
Chris Berube (host of 89.5 CIUT’s Electric Boogaloo, fourth year U of T student and all around fabulous personage of the most stellar kind) offered me free cake. This is a picture of him right here. He looks like…
DROP FEES while I drop in a dazed heap onto the floor
I am still slightly frazzled upon returning (to the library? Not like I was here before) from the rally. I'm not even sure why, as I was not one of the can't-imagine-how-hard-they-must-be-working organizers keeping students in the right spots, handing…
Mais oui – you too can speak French on campus!
I’m not going to lie - it’s very scary to find yourself a participant amidst a large group of people sitting in a circle and speaking French. I’ve been in Toronto for six years, and have found many opportunities to speak…
Hallow’s Eve: Events and Resources at your Fiendish Disposal
All Hallow’s Eve approaches! My minions and I, mostly my minions, have gathered all the information we could possibly muster under the strains of the horrible, academic torturings of various professors of doom, who themselves are most likely enslaved by…