Dear Potato Diary, I recently attended two events on campus that both centered a discussion around a serious issue: Gentrification in Toronto. The first event I went to was the Urban Studies CEL Course Presentation at Innis College. Students taking that…
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger
If there's one thing I've learned over the years from singing at open mics is that I ABSOLUTELY dread performing in front of a crowd. I feel like I'm having a seizure throughout the whole performance, I know that because…
The Potato Comics: Identity Crisis
Hi my lovely readers, An idea came to me during an experience I had this week- to create this comic series called: The Potato Comics (or until I come up with a more creative name, any suggestions?) I think I should…
The 5 Best and Not So Best Moments in my First Year :P
Perhaps it's not the best time to reflect on things other than my courses' syllabus in the middle of March aka "Make or Break your GPA" month, March starts with an "M" for a reason people, probably not that reason,…
An Artsy Reading Week: My experience as an ARW Project Leader
My high school teacher once told me that you don't become a grade 12er until you've finished grade 12. I thought this was very enlightening at the time, and I still think it rings true to every role I've had…
Illustrating Joy
In the midst of scary midterms and stressful due dates, a week dedicated to celebrating the joy on campus couldn't come at a better time. In spirit of the Joy at U of T Campaign, I brought the question back…
CCP Comics: What it REALLY means to volunteer?
CCP Comics: A Cupcake Story
I was out last week letting people know about Centre for Community Partnerships. Outreach isn't as easy as it looks, even when there's free delicious cupcakes involved... Got any creative ideas to do outreaching? Send them my way 🙂
When Theory meets Reality on Opioids: An interview with Laurie and Hayley
About a month ago before winter break, I had the pleasure of interviewing two of your fellow U of T peers in the Pharmacology program about a course they took last semester: "PCL389H1:Understanding the Role of Pharmacology & Toxicology in…
Ways to get involved over the holidays!???⛄
❄Greetings my fellow U of Teers!❄ (Get it? It's peers with a "t", I'm thinking of making this a thing, if it's okay with you) I write bearing gifts, want to know what you can do to get involved over…