I still remember when I got my acceptance letter to U of T. Most of my friends have gotten theirs already but I had nary a peep from any of my choices. I applied to just three places, confident that…
Are you getting sleepy?
Hello dear readers! This is my back-up post. What is a back-up post, you ask? Well, we update UpbeaT everyday, right? But we're all U of T students, so what happens when school hits and we don't have time to…
U of T’s planetarium: zoom in from the edge of the universe!
I remember when I was a wee little thing, I'd lie in my bed at night and stare at the ceiling, wishing I could somehow transform the white paint into the night sky. Years later, a friend came back from…
The Story of Willcocks Commons: a car-free pedestrian-only zone
It was a calm and breezy evening as I walked down St. George when something shiny caught my eye. I stopped near the hot dog stand and stared at the stretch of road between Sid Smith and Lash Miller. It…
Introducing the library video contest winners!
Happy belated Easter, dear readers! Hope you enjoyed the gorgeous weather. I absolutely did! Exams are starting (ugh, I know), and unfortunately, I foresee lots of time spent cooped up in the library, looking forlornly out the window at the…
The Truth is Out There: Turnitin.com
While I was slaving working on an essay for a PoliSci class, this beauty dropped into my inbox*: Here's the thing that bothered me: "TAs will not grade/return your paper if it is not also submitted online." I have to…
What do you want to be when you grow up?
I don't think there was another question I was asked more often as a child. I still get that even now, only the "grow up" bit has been replaced with "graduate." Or, if you're the aunt who doesn't like me…
Be sustainable, be green!
"Hey Cynthia, can you come to the shop for 9:30 a.m. on Friday? We gotta move it to Hart House." "It" is the Blue Sky Solar Car team's baby, named Cerulean. I joined the team two years ago, but since…
Making sense of the U of T elections
You've seen the posters everywhere on campus - Vote for so-and-so! And somewhere in your subconscious, you probably realized there's an election coming up at the University. But if you're like me, you just don't care. It has nothing to…
Eating healthier, staying awake longer
(Before I begin, dear readers, there was no way I could start this week's post without a hearty: Oh, Canada! With glowing hearts, oh Canada! *happy, happy sigh*) Let's see... it's 2:38 a.m., you've been sitting at your computer since,…