The pandemic was something that surprised me and I'm guessing surprised a lot of us as well. It was just something that was never expected to play out this way and it was big 360 degree turn of our way of life. I remember in March when the University closed down and we all got quite excited but that was temporary because we soon realised that the situation was a lot more severe than we had imagined.
Living through this pandemic has definitely been a strange experience and each person has their own opinion of how the world has changed but nevertheless, we are students at U of T and we deserve all the praises we can get for grinding through a whole semester online!
Some of us may not recognise that we need to be rewarding ourselves for even the things that we consider as small. The fact is, that anything we do that requires time, money and lots of effort deserves some praise because we have to see it as an accomplishment. This was our first full semester online and now we have a little under two weeks left to finish, we definitely deserve a round of applause for pulling through and trying our best.
I looked back at the start of the semester and wrote down all the things I accomplished with regards to school. I especially payed attention to the things that I struggled with but pulled through with.

Some of My Accomplishments
- Submitted my first 3D model. I finally know how to CAD! I am an engineer!
- Landed a work-study, managing work and school in the middle of a pandemic... you deserve a nice gift
- Finished all my midterms. I have a good feeling about 3/4 of them but that's really good.
- I joined a protest and dealt through all the turmoil and still completed coursework. This deserves a presidential medal.
- Scored perfect for the first time on a midterm. It was open book but I will still give a shout out to myself haha.
- Requested a re-mark for the first and got 10 marks added to my grade. Very surprising and deserves a reward...probably boots from Zara?
I believe it's important to take some to reflect on your successes and give yourself the praises. I find that it does a lot of good for our morales and pushes us to do more so we can have more wins to celebrate.
I will give you your first appraisal: " Well done, you did an amazing job and you will continue to do amazing things. You put in a lot of effort into achieving this so thank you for pulling through. You inspire me." ☺️
Now pull through until the end of exams. You got this!
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