This is the second part of my ‘productive day’ blog posts. Last week I shared my morning routine and this week I’m showing you my night routine!
Dinner: I’d say my night routine begins at 5:00 pm because this is when my roommate and I begin to cook our dinner. We usually spend at least an hour and a half cooking and eating together. This year I’ve learned that it’s really important to take time off school work (and screens) to recharge even if I’m stressed about a deadline.

Study: I get back to studying. I make sure to check my to-do list from that day in case I missed something. If I’m hardcore procrastinating I’ll go make myself a hot chocolate, turn on some candles, and do some finger knitting.

Shower: Around 7:30 pm I decide my brain just can’t process anything else and I take the perfect break from studying (ie. a shower!)
Pyjama time: I put on my cosy PJs!

Pick outfit: This saves a surprising amount of time when I wake up: I pick out what I will wear the night before so I don’t spend 15 minutes deciding what pair of sweatpants I should wear in the morning.

A little more work: Between 8:00 and 9:00 pm I try to squeeze in a little more work. This is where the productivity aspect comes into play. The last piece of homework I do that night is what I will also be working on first thing in the morning. For instance, if I have to write an essay the next day the last thing I do at night is go over my notes and the outline. If I sleep on it, usually I wake up with more thoughts on the material.
Brush teeth: At 9:00 pm homework time ends. That’s a strict rule I keep (unless an essay is due at midnight of course lol). I brush my teeth, say goodnight to my roommate, and then get in bed.

Journal: I don’t do this every night, but if there’s something on my mind that will prevent me from falling asleep right away, I write it in my journal.

Relax: I usually spend this time reading or watching something. This week my friend and I have been watching a show together (Netflix party-style). I try my best to go to sleep at 10:30 pm (though sometimes it turns into 11:30 pm).
That’s my basic night routine (it goes like this literally every night except for Saturdays when I have a dance class via Zoom). The most important part of this routine, for me at least, is what isn’t there: I try not to check my email at night!
Sleep well everyone!

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