Strengths Series may be over, but there’s still more workshops to attend and more things to learn. This week, I attended the Learning to Lead Full Day event to learn more about what leadership means to me, and what it means to others. In the spirit of strength series, I’d like to reflect on some things I learned from this full day leadership event.
5 highlights from the Learning to Lead Full Day (Summer 2018):
Everyone is a leader
If there was one idea that I feel could sum up the whole day, it would be this. Maybe it doesn’t feel so special realizing that everyone’s a leader too, but I feel better knowing that there isn’t some sort of exclusive club that I need to join to be a leader. Rather, I just need to be myself, because it’s a gift that we’re all blessed with. Now, when I think about the idea, I imagine Oprah hyping up a crowd, announcing it like a giveaway, “You’re a leader! And you’re a leader! Everyone’s a leader!!!” And you know what? I feel pretty special hearing it from Oprah.
Not all leaders are good, or bad
Now even though, I’m a leader like everyone else, I’m not necessarily a good one .. yet, at least. But that just means that I need to learn the right skills and have the right attitude. In the first workshop, I learned that to me, a good leader uses their position and skills responsibly, and always strives to grow.
Aside from the free pizza and bounty of snacks, it was nice to be surrounded by new company and conversation. I never underestimate the power of food and conversation because it has the power to bring people together. From making small talk at the snack table to sharing stories on hopes and struggles, while munching on pizza. It’s not just free food; but physical, emotional, and intellectual sustenance.
Explore Your Strengths - Round 2
I enjoyed this workshop just as much as the first time. This time around I got to meet even more people with different strengths, and gain new perspectives on the approach. I wouldn't even mind doing it a third time.
In the last workshop, I learned to goal set by using smaller goals in different levels of comfort and risk, to achieve a bigger goal/dream. For example, one of my dreams is to become fluent in Spanish. So, I set one goal that I comfortable to accomplish, like reading more Spanish books. Then, I set another goal that's somewhat risky/uncomfortable for me, like joining a local group where I can practice speaking. And then, a very risky/uncomfortable goal, like move to a Spanish speaking country and live there for at least a year.
If you'd like to sign up for future events and workshops, check out the CLN calendar.
Questions, comments, or concerns? Comment below or email leadership@utoronto.ca
See you soon for more reflections on leadership and life.

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