I had a couple of reasons, but first and foremost: because I could. What does that mean? Well, I have the good fortune of being a nursing student here at U of T, which means that part of my studies includes spending time with ailing people. This term I’ve been working with a lot of patients who have undergone surgeries, primarily to fix sore knees and hips, which have made it hard for them to run, walk or even stand for prolonged periods of time. To me, that sucks. Not being able to move around because of pain or impaired mobility is just crappy. So, I sometimes get frustrated when people who have the ability to be mobile choose not to move around.
At the beginning of this week I was visiting a friend of mine. She’s a young lady in Sick Kids undergoing a liver biopsy. This little lady at the young age of 10 was told she was not to move around, that she could not play her favourite sports or rough-house on the playground with friends for two whole weeks! News like that to a 10-year-old is pretty devastating and throws a pretty big wrench into a daily routine. I couldn’t help but recognize how lucky I am to have no surgeries in my foreseeable future, to be able to walk around freely and not be tied down by bed rails and IV tubes. So there you have it. Gratitude is my attitude, I feel so fortunate that I’m not in extraordinary pain, the kind that inhibits my ability to move around. At U of T there are so many incredible opportunities to get active it’s a ridiculous waste of resources (that you’ve already PAID for!) to not use them. The Athletic Centre has drop in classes, a gorgeous pool, the field house, registered programs and so many human resources to help you find the right fit! Don’t forget about Hart House either, their well-being and recreation dance classes are a blast. They’ve also got aquatics, cycle fit, squash and yoga! I hate to sound “preachy” on the whole get up and go thing – but I can’t help but hope that you won’t waste the use of your beautiful body– and also be thankful for it! Adios, for now! Laura
I hear you, I broke my leg while walking back from school last November and I had to have 2 plates and 15 screws put in. The healing is a very long process and I’m looking forward to being able to go back to my addiction to Zumba later this summer. While I’m here sitting on my rear end and trotting along on crutches, I can’t help but feel annoyed every time I hear someone complain that they have to walk 15 minutes to school. I would give just about anything to have the use of my two legs again.
Hey Melanie,
Thanks so much for your comment. I’m sorry to hear that you can relate so well, being down and out due to injury is the worst! I hope you’re recovering well, I’ll be sure to remind myself (and others) to omit any exercise related complaints!