The Arts & Science Identity: Design Research to Support the Sidney Smith Hall Redevelopment

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The Arts & Science Identity: Design Research to Support the Sidney Smith Hall Redevelopment

Plans were underway to redevelop Sidney Smith into an iconic building and significant open space that integrates accessibility, sustainability, and inclusivity. As part of this project, the Innovation Hub organized a series of community ideation sessions to explore the student experience with Sidney Smith Hall and how the students and staff members envision this future Arts & Science landmark. Our research findings will be used as a resource during the design process for this redevelopment.

Fall/Winter 2022-2023

What are the diverse needs of the university community at Sidney Smith Hall?

Home to many classrooms, laboratories, and offices, Sidney Smith Hall at the University of Toronto (U of T) has served students as the heart of the Faculty of Arts & Science for over six decades. Built in 1961 and housing the largest division at the University of Toronto with over 30,000 students, the Arts & Science community has continued to grow rapidly. Recognizing the importance of providing students, faculty, and staff with a transformative space for innovative learning, teaching, and research, the redevelopment is a remarkable opportunity to meet the needs of the growing and evolving community more strongly. We hope this report will inform the redevelopment of the new Faculty of Arts & Science landmark to a state-of-the-art facility focused on principles such as inclusion, diversity, and sustainability.


Sidney Smith is the embodied identity of the Faculty of Arts and Science

We found that each student, staff, and faculty member wants to find a home in a large university system. Each individual appreciates being part of a multidisciplinary and lively community at the Faculty of Arts & Science but also wants their unique identity recognized. Students, staff, and faculty referenced Sidney Smith Hall’s potential to be more accessible to welcome and celebrate the entire community. Students, staff, and faculty expressed eagerness to connect with peers in the building to learn from each other and feel inspired in their own lives. Sidney Smith Hall is well positioned to be a place that is home to community members and an iconic landmark for the Faculty of Arts & Science.

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