Our research falls within five domains of innovation that were co-created through community consultation during the Innovation Hub’s first year. The domains articulate a vision of change that drives our work—in an ideal world, UofT would be a place where each domain’s aspirational goals are fulfilled for every student. We support our partners at UofT who are striving to realize this vision through their programming and planning. The domains of innovation are:
Access for Every Student: students of all abilities and backgrounds have equitable access to programs, services, resources, and spaces Domain Goals
Creating accessible digital & physical spaces, addressing financial barriers, supporting under-represented & diverse populations, navigating institutional structures, deepening participation & engagement and improving financial literacy
Fostering Connectedness: students experience a sense of belonging and connection within and to the UofT community Domain Goals
Nurturing international engagement & intercultural understanding, cultivating relationships, increasing peer connections, building & connecting communities and working across difference
Future-Ready Students: students have opportunities to develop their skills and build their confidence beyond academics Domain Goals
Preparing students for a changing word, increasing work-integrated learning, expanding mentorship opportunities, leadership development, career exploration and development and fostering lifelong learning
Integrated Learning Experience: students have access to engaging learning experiences both in and outside of the classroom Domain Goals
Fostering academic & co-curricular connections, facilitating experiential & immersive learning, generating purposeful in-class engagement, equipping faculty with information to support students, encouraging self-directed learning and increasing online learning options using educational technology
Whole Student Development: students receive the support they need for their holistic well-being (physical, psychological, social and emotional) Domain Goals
Cultivating mental, physical & spiritual health, building self-efficacy & self-motivation, fostering resiliency & self-care, identity development and the development of meaning & purpose.
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