The one thing I was extremely worried about at the start of the semester was making new friends, maintaining old friendships and performing well in group projects or activities that required teamwork. As a person, that thrives in physical spaces…
How I Stay Connected to U of T Campus Events (at home)
Hope you are doing well and keeping warm! I feel like at this point in the semester, life has been focused solely on school. So, I wanted to bring to light how to find workshops and events that can bring…
“Fitspo” May be Inspiring the Wrong Things
We all know how addictive social media can be. A quick five-minute phone break soon turns into a half hour of mindless scrolling through our Instagram feed. Though it is heavily addictive and a major time-waster, we might convince ourselves…
Self-Care in the Midst of Mental Illness
Last week, I wrote about exercise and mental health. Following up on that, I wanted to share some mental health tips that have been helpful for me! Develop a bedtime routine and stop looking at screens before you go to…
Social Media and Mental Health
I once read online that my generation spends an average of seven hours on social media per day. This at first sounded ridiculous to me. Most students don't even sleep for that long. However, the stat -- regardless of whether…
Life Unplugged
The beginning of November marks the start of “Unplugged” month at U of T, which is an initiative that encourages students to escape the tight grasp of their social media accounts. Who hasn’t felt that nagging feeling to check your phone at least twice during your one hour lecture or the all-consuming fear that your insta-hashtag is “too literal”?.
Inspired by Madelin’s leap of faith into a notification-less world. I decided to embark on a challenge of my own: to delete all my social media apps off my phone for an entire week. Here is my story:
Top 5 #UofT Twitter Accounts
In my last post I talked about how following different U of T twitter accounts was one of the best ways to feel like you were still on campus, even when you’re hundreds of miles away. But it’s come to…
How to link to LinkedIn
On Wednesday I got a chance to swing by the Career Centre’s LinkedIn Workshop, the second installment of their Social Media Series, hosted by Perry Monaco, a Recruitment Product Consultant with LinkedIn. It was also probably the most useful workshops…
Ubuddy is my Buddy!
School has just started and I'm already tangled up in a web of course announcements, emails from my professors and fellow classmates, newsletters from the university, events listings from associations I take part in, college newsletters etc. It is exhausting trying…
blogUT vs UpbeaT, ROUND 2, GO!