The one thing I was extremely worried about at the start of the semester was making new friends, maintaining old friendships and performing well in group projects or activities that required teamwork. As a person, that thrives in physical spaces and physical interactions, I found it hard to maintain the same energy I would normally have in the classroom. Normally, it'd be so easy to strike up a conversation with a new person by just complimenting them on their handwriting or outfit but I could not do that online so I found different ways to interact and be more social!
1.Setting up game nights and participating in game nights
I usually wouldn't be the one to suggest to have a games night on the course group chat but I am thankful for the ones who had the confidence to do it! During the course of the semester, there were game nights randomly set up by classmates, student reps and clubs that allowed me socialize with new people. The best thing about these events were that everyone that came was looking to have a good time and take a break from studying. Participating in game nights really added to my experience and reminded me of the importance of being open minded. I also got to learn that I am really not the best at Kahoot!

2. Getting Involved with Clubs
At the start of the semester, I knew I had to make time to get involved with a club. I was involved with Engineers Without Borders and we not only focused on working on projects but we spent a lot of time getting to know each other and having regular socials. I found that being a group of people who have similar interests to me really improved my mental health and gave me a sense of belonging.
3. Being Active on Social Media
I am not the best at texting and sometimes I feel like its such a hassle because of how much work I have to do. I started to be a lot more active on my favourite social media apps that allow for engagement without having to text all the time. I found that posting regularly on Instagram and Snapchat allowed my friends feel a lot more connected to me because they were able to see what I was up to. I also enjoyed seeing their content because I got to see what they were up to and feel connected. Posting on social media took less time and I definitely appreciated being a part of my friends' lives even though we aren't physically together.
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