In my last post I talked about how following different U of T twitter accounts was one of the best ways to feel like you were still on campus, even when you’re hundreds of miles away. But it’s come to my attention that when you search “UofT” on twitter, you get thousands of tweets, hundreds of different twitter accounts, and a gentle reminder that
Hey - you’re the one who decided to go to the largest school in Canada!”
So today I have decided to brave the labyrinth and decode the complex twitterverse of the University of Toronto. There’s a lot of great content out there, but there’s also a lot of false information and down-right trolling. Somewhere in between it all, I’ve narrowed it down to
The Top 5 #UofT Twitter Accounts You Should Follow;
1. The Official One

Okay lets start off with the basics. You should most definitely begin by following
the official U of T twitter account. Although their content is mostly retweet based, you can guarantee that all the information provided by them is legitimate. They often inform when there are IT problems, university closures and major campus events. Their partner account is
UofT News, which is essentially your one-stop shop for quick-read headlines linking to news articles about the U of T community.
2. The One That Actually Relates to Your Life

Excuse the shameless self-promotion, but if you aren’t following the
Life @ U of T twitter you’re missing out. @LifeatUofT is, well exactly how it’s name portrays it, about life here at the Univetrsity of Toronto. Whether it’s sharing events or venting about lack of sleep during exam season, the content is written by students for students. It’s relatable, and most importantly relevant. It’s also by-far the most community-based account out there. It really focuses on connecting with different students, staff, and faculties at the university - which makes it a great home base to find other accounts out there.
3. The One that Represents You

You probably know that we have a student union, and if you didn’t you’ve probably at least attended one of their events without knowing it was put on by them (think the frosh week concert every year). The
UTSU twitter account is very event and opportunity focused. It’s a good place to look if you’re interested in getting more involved or want something (usually FREE) to do on campus.
4. The One without a Point

I long debated putting this on my list, but I’ve decided that if this account manages to make me laugh on a daily basis it shouldn’t be excluded purely due to it’s lack of legitimacy. You’ve probably already seen their tweets around, but
Front Campus officially has a twitter account. Yes you heard that right - there is an entire twitter account dedicated to the grassy laws of front campus. I’m going to blatantly admit that there is no underlying point to this account, yet each tweet exposes a hilariously true point or comment about front campus. Follow them if you’re looking for some funny timeline filler.
5. The One with All the Answers
Ask a Student U of T is a twitter account for where U of T students answer the questions of other students in an entirely hilariously, yet ultimately accurate way. Their tweets are almost exclusively links to answered questions with a brief headline of what the question entails. So although there’s not much content created exclusively for twitter, I guarantee that as you scroll thought your timeline you’ll inevitably think “Hey, I was wondering that too!”
So those are my top 5 twitter accounts. Talking about everything from event listings, to answered questions, to relatable rants about the elevator lines at Robarts, they’re sure to fill your timeline with the perfect combination of U of T infused content. But hey, maybe I skipped out on a few great ones! Maybe there are even some instagram accounts I need to check out.
Send me your suggestions and additions to my list in the comments below - or tweet them to me at @Rachael_UofT
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