I grew up with eczema, which is also known as dermatitis. When I was in kindergarten, I was told by my teacher that scratching is grotesque and un-lady-like. I was living in Hong Kong, which is a city with only…
Why Self-Care Is Every Student’s Best Friend
Here's why self-care is every student's best friend.
Getting Creative With My Free Time
As a student who does not have a lot of free time, I came to the realization that how I spend my free time is really important to create the work-life balance that I need. In the past, my breaks…
Take a Breather: Coping Strategies During Exam Season!
Happy December everyone! It seems almost as if in a blink of our eye, we’ve rushed by the autumn blur of golden-brown leaves, straight into welcoming the pristine, white snow. With the quick change in seasons, we also are slowly…
How I Focus on My Wellbeing During the Exam Period
We're slowly getting closer and closer to finals! At this point I'm not sure whether to be excited or sad. Excited to go on winter break and have a great Christmas but sad that I have to grind for finals…
Bath Bombs and Face Masks: A Self-care Deception
It was in my first year of university that I decided to put my foot down and really focus on myself. And that is when I found self-care. I was introduced to the world of facemasks, colouring books, pretty journals,…
Take a Hike! – No, seriously.
Breathe. I want to take a moment to ask you all, how are you? Really. How are you actually doing? As we approach a season caught in the flurry of final assessments, midterms and exams - it is important to…
The Guilt of Asking for Help and Accommodations (Midterm Edition)
With midterms coming up, I have been preparing by organizing my time and registering for my test accommodations. In high school, I prided myself in getting work done even at the expense of my health, which is sadly not a…
The Overemphasis on Having Friends in College (And Why It’s Okay Not to Have Any)
Who are friends? Are they the people you go out with? The people you see in class and study with? The ones available during a quarter-life crisis? Or are they all the above? The environment of campus life gives off…
Enjoying a few of my favourite things
I hope the term is beginning well! I'm new to the team this year and I'll be in Surrey, U.K. for fall and maybe winter too. I study mechanical engineering, and last season I lived on campus in St. Mike's…