As I reflect on this past academic year and my time blogging for Life @ U of T on behalf of Accessibility Services, I am really appreciative for the blog as a safe space for me to journal, grow, and…
Hello Summer! – A Letter to My Post-Finals Self
Dear future, stress-free self, You've come so far in your undergrad journey. Just take a minute to reflect on the past two years you've had at U of T and I hope you realize that you truly are a superstar.…
Navigating the Final Stretch of the Academic Year
I have been counting down the weeks of this semester since the first day of school! Back in January, when I was putting my calendar together, I thought to myself "wow, this is going to be a brutally long 14…
Take a Breather: Coping Strategies During Exam Season!
Happy December everyone! It seems almost as if in a blink of our eye, we’ve rushed by the autumn blur of golden-brown leaves, straight into welcoming the pristine, white snow. With the quick change in seasons, we also are slowly…
My GPA is low!
As much as I would like to live my life without letting past academic mistakes pull me back, my GPA does not allow me to forget. But rather than simmering in what cannot be changed, I figure it’d be helpful…
On Finding the Perfect Study Playlist
It’s Wednesday night. I have allotted a specific block of time to writing this blog post before moving on to starting an assignment I have due next week. I haven’t written the blog post yet. Instead, I’ve been moving between…
In Which U of T is Kind
(Barely) Imparting Senior Student Wisdom
Hello new semester! Don’t you just love the buzz around campus this time of year? You know, its that time in the semester where midterms haven’t taken over life yet, the weather is still amazing and you have a whole new batch of stationary to play with. Okay, that last one only applies to me and a handful of very cool people.
It’s also that time of year where I usually make tons of new goals and try extra hard to get this whole studying thing right.