Do you ever feel like you’re riding in a car that’s going just a bit too fast? This is how I felt by the time I was finished my second year of studies. People told me that university is for…
The Changing Faces of “Success”
I've found that the tricky thing about defining "success" is how often the idea of success changes. I'm willing to argue that others have this same issue. Sure, people can associate success with money, health, academic marks, and other broad…
Checking In With Yourself
Whenever there's a change in seasons, I tend to get introspective. To me, autumn in particular always feels like one chapter ending and another beginning. Maybe it has something to do with the change in sunlight, the temperature fluctuating, or…
One now at a time
Maybe it's because I’ve recently read The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle, or maybe it’s the fourth year wisdom, but anyhow I’m learning to commit to the moments and bask in all the gifts the present has to offer.
How To Do (Or Not Do) Your Readings
It was the first time I had ever been in Con Hall. All of the seats were packed, and the sound of chatter echoed throughout the massive Victorian building. The girl I was talking to was a fourth year Drama…
It’s Okay to Take a Break
In the spirit of the Jewish Holiday Yom Kippur this week, I wanted to take a minute to reflect. This holiday, also known as “The Day of Atonement,” is the holiest day in the Jewish calendar. Yom Kippur falls exactly…
Everyday is Like The First Day of School
A few years back, my high school held an informative panel discussion in letting grade 12 students in on the secrets of University. As I sat among my group of friends, I attempted to focus as my head span from…
When Will I Use the Quadratic Formula? – Applying Coursework in Real Life
At the end of my degree, I hope that I'll not only be well versed in my field of study but also know enough about those around me that I'd be interacting with at some point in my life. I'm not sure whether second year courses have shown me more real life applications or if I'm just getting better at making connections between the content of all my courses, but I'm starting to feel like the imposter syndrome that plagued me in first year is fading and that I'm growing as a student and more importantly, as a person.
Biting Off More Than You Can Chew
If you’re a bit like me, then you probably have an “I CAN DO IT ALL! NOTHING AND NO ONE CAN STOP ME! HAHA!” attitude towards life sometimes. And, if you’re a bit like me, then you already know that…
My GPA is low!
As much as I would like to live my life without letting past academic mistakes pull me back, my GPA does not allow me to forget. But rather than simmering in what cannot be changed, I figure it’d be helpful…