I have two main vices. The first is my undying love for Starbucks, in spite of the merciful pleas from my wallet. The second is my (lowkey) obsession with LinkedIn. Last year, I saw many of my peers posting job…
Balancing Studying and Relaxation During Reading Week
We've gotten through it, the first half of the semester. The long-awaited Fall Reading Week is finally here. For many of us, it's a welcomed break from the demanding schedule of classes and early mornings. For others, relaxation is hard to think…
Decluttered Room, Decluttered Mind
I never took the whole “messy room means a messy mind” thing seriously when I was growing up, no matter how many times my parents told me to clean my space. But I'm starting to have second thoughts. My room…
Contingency Pack – Being Ready for Anything at U of T
All you Doomsday Preppers out there, this one is for you.
The Myths of Course Dropping
November 5th is the official deadline to drop a Fall class for this semester. Speaking from personal experience, I know what it’s like to be confused by, and bit scared of, the concept of dropping a class, so I wanted…
My First Midterm at University- 3 Things I Would have Done Differently
October is drawing to a steady close, which also means that midterms are ending for many. As a first-year student at U of T, term tests seemingly came out of nowhere, just as I was struggling to adjust to the…
How To Actually Be Productive At the Library
With midterms and essays piling up, I’ve had two major realizations thus far. 1) Taking 6 half-year courses, while starting a whole new program and working 3 jobs might kill me, but also I can sleep when I’m dead? 2)…
Take a Break
Sometimes, if I focus on one thing for too long, it feels like my brain might melt and lazily drip out from my ears. It isn't a nice feeling. Chances are you know what I'm talking about (minus the melting…
I am a Tough Cookie – Imposter Syndrome
Don't you hate it when a cookie looks good but doesn't taste like what you expected?
Why I Went Part-Time (And Why I Loved It)
Do you ever feel like you’re riding in a car that’s going just a bit too fast? This is how I felt by the time I was finished my second year of studies. People told me that university is for…