My motivation went from 100 to 0, real quick
Juggling Responsibilities, for Forgetful People
If I were to ever be picked up and interrogated by cops about what I did on a specific day at a specific time, I'd be in trouble big time. Most days, I can barely remember what I ate for…
How To: Meet People on Exchange
With two months abroad under my belt, I started to think about the biggest challenges my classmates and I have faced since moving to France. Among the over-consumption of baguette and pastries, we also agreed that making friends initially can…
“I can’t, I’m busy” – Am I Really Though?
The issue is... a one-hour break quickly turns into two-hours or three. I call this the "black-hole-dining-hall" effect.
Posts on POSts Part 2: Uncertainty & Doubt
Last week, I talked about the technical side to enrolling in a Program of Study (POSt). This week, I'm talking about the other side of enrollment: the side that involves uncertainty, doubt, and trying to figure out what's right for…
Six Strategies for a Splendid Snow Day
As it seems to be the trend this semester, snow days are upon us. While the weather has not been completely in our favour, that doesn’t mean we need to be grey as well! Although I’m not currently in Toronto,…
Posts on POSts Part 1: Enrolling in POSts
It's that time of year again: time to start thinking about enrolling in your Program(s) of Study (POSt). If you're a first-year student, then this will be your first time doing this and you might be a bit confused by…
Worry #523: Class Presentations
First of all: can you believe we’re halfway through the semester already? It feels like only yesterday I was writing about Halloween. Anyway. This semester, I’ve been in a class that has really been pushing my boundaries; which typically I…
My Experience With One Programs: Trinity One Environment and Sustainability Stream
First years have a lot of options for courses at U of T, and the Margaret McMillan Trinity One program is one of the options available, alongside the various First Year Seminars available for students. This past year, I was…
Having a Fresh Start
"You're struggling with this because it is hard." This was one the things that stuck with me from last weekend. I attended the Fresh Start Conference, an annual one-day event dedicated to getting students back on their feet after a…