Who are friends? Are they the people you go out with? The people you see in class and study with? The ones available during a quarter-life crisis? Or are they all the above? The environment of campus life gives off…
Unlikely Friendships in Unlikely Times
Now that school is online, I’ve been thinking more about how we are interacting with each other. I think what university teaches us most is how you navigate small and large moments, balancing school with life, and friends with family.…
How to Deal with Disappointment
This post is dedicated to dealing with disappointment. As my fourth year at university is about to begin I’ve had to learn to accept that I might not see many familiar faces in the upcoming semesters. Even during the summer…
Why I Love Being on the Editorial Board of an Undergraduate Journal
Today I wanted to write about something near and dear to my heart! For the past two years, I’ve worked on the editorial board of an undergraduate journal on campus—Hardwire: the Undergraduate Journal of Sexual Diversity Studies. Undergraduate journals are…
The Regrets of a Third Year Student
This post is inspired by the Macleans article “The Many Regrets of a Fourth Year Student”! I’m just starting fourth year, so these are my regrets as a third year, aka advice that I would tell my younger self who…
3 Lessons I’ve Learned from 3 Years of University
I can’t believe that in less than a month, I’ll be starting my fourth and final year of my undergraduate degree! Looking back on my degree, it’s been quite a wild ride to get here. I thought it would be…
Three Reasons I’m Glad I Joined Clubs in First Year
Looking back on it, joining clubs in first year was pretty essential for getting me off the right foot in university. With classes being super big and me not knowing anyone, clubs were a great place to find friends who…
Staying Mentally Healthy While Social Distancing
Health and Wellness has been offering a bunch of online workshops in order to aid students in keeping up their mental health. Last Tuesday I virtually attended the workshop titled Staying Mentally Healthy While Practicing Social Distancing. The meeting was…
A Writing Workshop with Poet Ronna Bloom
Last Thursday I attended an online Zoom workshop with the Canadian poet and psychotherapist Ronna Bloom. The workshop, titled How To Be a 3D Person in a Flat-Screened World, was centred around reflecting on how to deal with the disconnect…
After Losing their Petals, New Flowers Bloom: An End to my Journey as a Blogger
It’s the end of the term and although this is not the way we were planning for it to end, I hope you are doing well. This is also my final blog as the Accessibility Services Blogger. I’m super thankful…