I am a strong believer that the way I start my morning affects the rest of my day. This post is about my morning routine on a normal school day, with the goal of making sure I stay productive!
Wake up: I set a bunch of alarms starting at 7:00am and ranging until 8:30am. I do this because some days it’s easier to get up right away, but other times I need to stay in bed just a little bit longer.
Open the blinds: when my first alarm rings I always open the blinds even if I’m going back to sleep because I know the light will help me wake up.

Get dressed: the first thing I do when I step out of bed is get dressed. No matter what my plan is for the day (but let’s be honest it’s usually staring at a computer for 8 hours doing school work) I make sure to get out of my pyjamas (and into sweatpants).

Perfume: this is my last touch for getting ready. I started putting perfume on in the mornings this year (even though only my roommate sees me) because I associate the smell with being ready to get to work. I swear it really does make me feel more prepared for the day.
Tea time: the most important aspect of my morning routine is turning on the kettle and making a warm cup of tea!

Check the weather: while the kettle is boiling I open the door to feel what the temperature is outside. Usually I just stand there while I wait for my tea to be boiled. This is a necessary step because it determines where I go next!

Reading/working: when my tea is ready I get right to work. I either start readings right away, or I work on an essay. This is what ultimately determines the productivity of my entire day. If I get things done in the morning, I’m way more motivated to continue doing work later on. I’m also convinced I write the best essays in the mornings. If it’s warm out, I’ll sit on the porch to do work.

Agenda list: after I’ve completed the workload I set out to do, I make a list in my agenda for what else needs to be accomplished during the day.
Breakfast: then it’s time to eat!!

This morning routine usually ends at 10:00am or 11:00am depending on when my first Zoom class begins. I swear starting work in the morning leads to a productive day simply because my brain isn’t awake enough to procrastinate.
I used to think that having an easy-going morning was important (I would wake up late, drink tea and watch Youtube videos for about an hour) because it felt like my preparation for the day--but now getting work done earlier means I will have a better afternoon.
What is a staple of your morning routine?😁
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