A kermit the frog mem of him looking out a rainy window, with the caption "when you take a 10 minute study break and it accidentally lasts the entire year."

Music to My Ears, Literally

Not that you need another reminder, but trust me, all of my conversations have been starting this way recently: we're in the middle of exams. I'm about halfway through, with my most daunting yet to come. Every time I'm not studying, I feel like I'm wasting my time or squandering an opportunity. But, as I learned (the hard way, I might add), I'm one of those people who should not study for longer than an hour at a time. I become a different person. A scary person. Maybe a person who robs banks and commits fraud. Maybe not. You'll never know. Hopefully. Anyway, something that helps me be okay with taking a break is giving myself something else to think about. For me, music and podcasts are the perfect way to go. And this one animated series on netflix that's totally not embarrassing for a 21 year old to watch. I don't know what you're talking about. Anyway (again), here are some of my favourite ways to keep my mind relaxed but active during exam season:
  1. The Murder Squad
Very interesting new podcast, hosted by two detective investigator-y people who are trying to solve cold cases! Fun fact, both have been involved in citizen-detective type things, Paul Holes with the Golden State Killer... 2) Studio Ghibli Music! Pretty sure this goes without explanation! If the music isn't enough, sometimes I end up watching one of the movies... 3) Wooden Overcoats Two twins run the only funeral home on an island, but a competitor arrives and it's one of the funniest podcasts I've listened to. I always listen again to take my mind off of exams! It's an adventure, that's all I can really say. 4) The Dragon Prince (because why not) This is definitely not for everybody, but it always works when I want to just enjoy the moment and not really think about anything. It's also the kind of show my dad would make fun of me for watching, so I enjoy it even more because of that. Haha, dad. Haha. Also, for those of us without Netflix, did you know U of T has a streaming service? It's got all sorts of movies on there. You can find the link right... here. Of course, I've only used it for academic purposes.
  5) Criminal An amazing podcast that covers all sorts of stories. I can't really explain it better than the website itself: "Stories of people who've done wrong, been wronged, or gotten caught somewhere in the middle."   Alright, that's it for me this week. What's your favourite thing to do when your mind needs a break? Happy Wednesday!

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