Hello! Introductions are probably the most difficult pieces to write. However, as I will be one your Life@UofT bloggers this year, and will be sharing with you my day to day endeavors and experiences, an introduction is essential.
My name is Fakeha (pronounced Faa-kay-ha—just thought I’d answer the first question everyone is dying to ask)! I am starting my third year at the University of Toronto, and still confused as to how I am already half way done my degree! As of right now I am double majoring in Global Health and Political Science, but who knows maybe I’ll change my mind tomorrow for the millionth time.
Every time I reveal this people respond in utter confusion, “Global Health and PoliSci?! What an interesting combination!” My friends would describe me as a “well-rounded person”, however, I disagree. In truth, I am just horrible at making decisions and definitely cannot be expected to pick just one area of study. Perhaps, this is why I relate to Hermione Granger so well. Pick one?! What?! I want to take ALLLL of the classes. Chemistry? Philosophy? History? Math? I’ve taken them all!
Speaking of which, I am in desperate need of a time turner. My biggest flaw is procrastination and this is something I aim to improve on this upcoming year, along with a seemingly endless list of things.
At a place like the University of Toronto, it is so easy to feel incompetent or unaccomplished amongst the insanely talented students around you. The truth is that we are all struggling with our own obstacles. Everyone here comes from so many different walks of life that there really is no way to compare our own accomplishments with those of our peers. I am a firm believer in growth. It does not matter who you become in the end as long as it is better than what you started from.
These past two years have been years of personal growth. Coming from Saskatoon—a small, cozy city in the middle of no where—living alone in Toronto has forced me to do a lot of soul searching. I am much more aware of who I am as a person and have had the chance to really develop my interests and tastes. For example, I have rediscovered my love for poetry and can often be found at poetry lounges and book signings—I do believe this is where I am the happiest. On the other hand, I now know I will never like bubble tea no matter how many chances I give it—I am clearly not meant to be cool.
This city has so many experiences to offer, so many diverse personalities to meet, and endless adventures to tackle—and I want to take advantage of this as much as I can.
I am so excited to pursue more adventures, do a little more soul-searching, and share all these experiences with Life@UofT. I look forward to interacting with our readers, and would love to get feedback and comments from you! Feel free to comment below about your insights, and questions!
Until next time!

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