With the last few days of Ramadan in full swing, it seems appropriate to reflect on this month’s experience. This year, in particular, was a different than the usual. I have been taking summer courses for the past few months…
Breaking that Summer Triangle
Ahh it's finally summer time, and the U of T campus has never looked more beautiful and inspiring. For me, every time I think of summer I get a burst of excitement because there are so many options and activities.…
Rewarding Yourself Healthily
Congratulations on finishing exams and another year of university! The end of school definitely calls for a reward, but while junk food and 24 hours of Netflix are certainly tempting options, I don't usually feel great after a full day of…
Reminiscing on my Summer Abroad
The biggest regret I have of my time in undergrad is not going on exchange. I'd wanted to spend a semester in Europe since high school, but doing so would've meant giving up opportunities such as donship or managing Caffiends, which I…
Now, A Break
On Tuesday afternoon, I finished my last exam of undergrad. It has taken some time for that fact to sink in. I'd imagined walking out of the exam centre skipping with joy in the sunlight. Instead, I spent a half hour calculating the…
My (Somewhat Balanced) Life Moves Pretty Fast
"Goodbye." That's always a difficult thing to say, but sadly, this is my last post for Life @ U of T. Being the Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation (CTSI) blogger this year has been the opportunity of a lifetime…
In Which Change is Not a Bad Thing

Musing About Reading Week
Reading Week has come and gone, and now we're back to classes. Sigh. Every year, I look forward to the much deserved break and yet again, I fail to realize how quickly a week can go by. I always start…
Reflecting on #JoyatUofT
Happy Reading Week, U of T! When considering what my #JoyatUofT is, I had a hard time coming up with just one thing. As U of T is such a large, diverse campus with so many resources, activities, and classes,…
U of T’s first Afro-Caribbean dance workshop: 10/10 would go again and again
This past Monday, Move U and U of T’s Black Students’ Association hosted the university’s first Afro-Caribbean dance workshop. It was one of many highlights of my four years at U of T. Seriously.
The hour-and-a-half long workshop was a total blast! It was led by Arsenio Andrade, who was born and trained in Cuba and has performed internationally, and accompanied by the wonderful drumming talent of Richard “Popcorn” Cumberbatch who has been playing Caribbean indigenous drums since the age of 11. There was a great turnout and every single person seemed to be having the time of their lives – I know I was.