Ever wondered if there was an alternative to sitting at home planning to do something prooductive like reading your textbook for the very first time since September but end up just binge watching Netflix anyways or being stuck at a…
Being a Woman in STEM
This Monday, I attended the Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Lab tours event. Having the opportunity to talk to leading researchers in STEM fields like physics, biochemistry and cell biology, I began to think about my own journey as…
Step 1: have a plan. Step 2: profit.
Being productive is good for our mental health. It’s even more rewarding to be productive when you’re completing an intentional and mapped out plan. Being a university student means we must have specific strategies for completing assignments all the time.…
A Much Needed Break
It’s Reading Week!! YASSS! Mid-October to November is usually the busiest time during the semester, so a fall reading week is precisely what I needed in my life. Some of you lucky ones get to go home for the break,…
Procrastination without the guilt, if you do it right!
Last week on social media HealthyU did a small campaign promoting wellbeing through one action item per day as outlined by the NEF (Aked, Marks, Cordon, Thompson, 2008). They defined wellbeing as “Feelings of happiness, contentment, enjoyment, curiosity, and engagement”…
An Evening of Learning Effective Presentation Skills
I consider myself to be a strong public speaker. But when it comes to presentations, I feel it is difficult to engage the audience when focusing on one specific topic. This week, I decided to attend an Academic Success workshop…
Appreciating the little things
With all that goes on in our academic lives and the pressure that looms heavily over our heads; urging us to be the best we can be, have the best grades, the highest GPA, join as many clubs as we…
An Online Course Adventure
With every new semester comes new challenges and experiences. This semester, I’m taking my first online course. To be honest, it wasn’t until this summer that I even knew that U of T offered online courses! It's had its challenges,…
Eating Healthy
After living in my college’s residence for two years, I decided it was finally time to venture out and escape the little bubble I often found myself in on campus. Now that I am living off campus I have suddenly…
CanZine and the local underground art culture!
Toronto is home to thousands of talented people. There is a beautifully colourful underground culture of artists and writers lurking just below it’s surface, waiting to be appreciated. Combine these commercially undiscovered creators and a free festival near U of…