My Visit to the Sexual Education Centre

Happy February! In my last post, I wrote about all the super resources we have on campus that can help you lead a healthy student life. This week, I decided to investigate another great resource on campus - the Sexual Education Centre (SEC)!  The SEC is located at the Sussex Clubhouse and if you didn't already know, is famous for its nearly infinite supply of free condoms.
The door to the SEC office is open to all students on campus, undergrad and graduate!
This was essentially the sole fact I knew about SEC before I visited. What I found was that while the office did indeed boast of an incredible quantity and variety of condoms (see the “menu”), it also contained a wide array of resources and supports for all things related to sex, sexuality, and relationships.
I quote directly one of the centre's volunteers: “For 50cents of your annual student fees you can get an infinite amount of condoms.”
My welcome to the centre was quite positive. I was greeted by a number of smiling faces when I walked in, supplied with a wealth of information during my visit, and seen off with a “grab bag” filled with safer-sex products. The centre is open Monday – Friday, 10 am – 7pm, during the Fall/Winter semesters, and everyone is welcome.

Winter Blues

This is the time of year when I start to feel a little bit blue. In Toronto, I think it’s because this is the time when winter seems like it will never end, like I’ll be cold forever and the days will never get any longer. I know everyone hates winter, but I really hate it. So I thought living in Scotland this year would be a nice break from the winter blues.

Braving Times Square: The Introvert Gets Involved

A whorl of chaotic colours, blacks and indigos, fluorescent yellows and oranges, pulsating at the edges of your eyes. A cacophony of shouts and honks drowning out the sound of your own breathing. The smell of greasy hotdogs, sunscreen, and cologne suffocating you. Arms and elbows and hands tangled with others as people nudge past you to get to one of the many fast food restaurants, shops, or stores stretching along either side. Times Square, a force with which to be reckoned in all its sights, scents, sounds, and touch. While some people can handle the hustle and bustle of this chaotic mass, others are overwhelmed by the amount of people, scents, and sounds crushing them and have to leave the vicinity from time to time to catch their breath. Similarly, after socializing with other people for a period of time, introverts need some “alone time” to recharge because they get drained from the activity. Some get drained after a couple of hours, others after several hours. But, what is an introvert?

Spotlight on Social Work!

Have you ever thought about a career in social work? Well, you're in luck! As my next "Faculty Spotlight", I have the pleasure to present the Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work! Our insider information comes from Jamie, a second year student in the Masters of Social Work program. She previously completed her undergrad at Western University and graduated in 2010 with a Honours Specialization in Psychology with a focus in Clinical and Social Psychology.

Five reasons to explore mentorship this week

It’s Mentorship Week at U of T! From today through to Thursday, there are events happening around campus to explore mentorship opportunities - whether you’re looking to become a mentor, find a mentor, or thank a mentor who’s supported you. Need more convincing to come out? Here’s five reasons to take part! 1. Make friends through mentorship communities. Mentorship programs at U of T also provide you with opportunities to meet other pairs of mentors and mentees at networking events, socials, and more. Beyond the lasting bond you'll make with your mentor or mentee, these communities provide an added bonus to mentorship - making new friends on campus.
Mentors Daniel and Brianna sitting outside of Sid Smith.
"We're part of the iConnect mentorship program. It's a really loving, supportive, and welcoming community." - Daniel, second year, Cinema Studies & Computer Science and Brianna Chan, fourth year, Life Science.

UofT Snapshots: Fourth Year and the Future

I am in my final year of undergrad and scheduled to graduate this June (by some terrible twist of fate, I graduate on the date of my birthday thereby having to spend my 22nd year of life in CON HALL). These past four years have been spent strolling around King's College Circle, cramming at Robarts during unspeakable hours, and attending every puppy therapy event U of T has to offer. The fact that I may not be coming back next year has only recently hit me. As much as I tried to prepare for (see also: dread) the future, it actually did not occur to me that I'd soon be done my Bachelor's. It's a bittersweet feeling. I embarked on a HONY-esque quest across campus to hunt down fellow fourth-years and ask them about their plans. Are you graduating? Taking a fifth year? Taking some time off? What have you learned here? What's been a memorable U of T experience? Please share intimate details of your life with this random, unnaturally peppy stranger! From my mini adventure I have concluded that 1) Apparently no upper years go to school because it proved quite difficult trying to find fourth years on campus and 2) Apparently all upper years are in the same boat of worry, anticipation, and excitement for their futures. So fear not, fourth year friends! Here are just some of the lovely students that attend our school, starting with the loveliest of all (me):

Nancy, Neuroscience:

I'm graduating this year! I want to do an MSc in neuroscience research. I'm also looking into professional programs in public policy and global health. The biggest takeaways from my time here is to go after what you want, enjoy yourself, and that the best person to compete with is yourself. I'm super grateful for all the people I've met and friends I've made!

Well, That Was a Lot Harder Than it Looked: Circus Silks @ U of T

I walked into my first circus silks class at the Athletic Centre last Friday pretty confident (largely due to the fact that I found my way from the AC change rooms to the Lower Gym in the Benson building on the first try).
Essentially the layout of the Athletic Centre and, of course, University College. Good luck. Background Source:
Essentially the layout of the Athletic Centre and, of course, University College. Good luck.
Background Source:
I wasn’t arrogant — I know I know nothing about aerial silks, but the instructor asked if I had done anything similar or notable and I mentioned that I’ve been coaching gymnastics for over five and a half years and used to do aerial yoga.
This is aerial yoga. 10/10 would recommend. Even if just for the awesome Instagram photos you’ll get out of it. Source:
This is aerial yoga. 10/10 would recommend. Even if just for the awesome Instagram photos you’ll get out of it.

A Touch of Summer in the Middle of Winter

large round leaves against a glass ceiling I've been in a bit of a creative rut lately. Between the perpetual grey weather and the sudden onslaught of midterms, I've been finding it difficult to feel inspired. Thankfully, this changed when I attended VicXposure's Allan Gardens Photowalk this weekend. The bright greenery and the group of happy photographers were more than enough to shake me of the January gloom and doom I was feeling.  DSC08723DSC08742