As the second half of the semester begins, we are soon approaching the very political month of March. This is because March is typically the month when most branches of student government hold their elections. There is going to be as…
b2B History Alumni Dinner – #TryitUofT
Over the last year and a half at U of T I think it’s safe to assume that I have received 1000+ emails to my school email address. While a lot of these did contain valuable information about courses, midterms,…
One Long To-Do: The Importance of Finding the Right Balance
Hello dear blog readers! Welcome back to school for our winter semester. For me, I am incredibly excited to get things going. Yet this week was probably not what I had in mind. Alongside my course readings, I have twelve…
Future Shoes & Present Resolutions
Welcome back, and welcome forward: into a new year! 2015 brings many things; not the least of which is that Marty McFly should be showing up (along with some sweet kicks), and not the most of which is that I…
UTSU Club and Summer Job Fair
The beginning of January may seem like a weird time to start thinking about summer jobs but when it's -26 outside everyone's mind is on that blistering heat that we complained about all summer long. January is also the time when you…
New Year, New Me (Hopefully)
Welcome Back U of T! The turkey has all been eaten, the sidewalks are icy, and the bookstore is busy again. It’s the beginning of a new semester which means it’s a fresh start - a clean slate to leave…
Don’t worry, be app-y
I often find that I have the need to be on the grid to be able to keep up with the fast paced student lifestyle. Getting a smartphone was a complete game-changer because it allowed me to be productive while…
Holistic Living for a Busy Schedule
My head can really get spinning. With so much going on, including schoolwork, tests, classes, extracurriculars and events, things can get crazy. Stress is a part of university life especially during flip-out times like midterms. But stress is natural and…
Confessions of a Stress Queen
I've previously mentioned that I like to keep busy. I know it seems counterintuitive, but it keeps me at the top of my game! Throughout this year’s Mental Wellness month at U of T, the campaign has revolved around coping…
That Human Thing Where You Meet New People: My Social Anxiety and the Importance of Being Selfish
So here is the thing, I am really awful at meeting new people. I don’t know what it is, but anytime someone introduces me to their friend/significant other, I get all manic and loud and just, well, hyper. Keep it…