I spent this past week at a cottage. There was no wifi and you could get one bar of cell service if you walked up the road. Now, I certainly don’t dislike technology, but I do know that I spend…
Managing Your Finances During University
When I started my first year of university, I didn’t think about managing my finances at all. But, university was the first time I had to independently manage my finances as an adult and budget my own spending. Of course,…
3 Lessons I’ve Learned from 3 Years of University
I can’t believe that in less than a month, I’ll be starting my fourth and final year of my undergraduate degree! Looking back on my degree, it’s been quite a wild ride to get here. I thought it would be…
What will orientation look like this year?- An interview
I know many of you have questions on how orientation will look like this year, so for this week's blog, I invited Francesca, a former Life at U of T blogger, for an interview to answer any questions you may…
How I’m Staying Connected During Quarantine
Now that we’ve spent a couple months in quarantine adjusting to the “new normal,” I'm definitely finding new ways to stay connected with friends that I hadn’t considered before. Now that I can't rely on seeing people in class or during…
My Experience Booking an Online College Registrar’s Appointment
Now that course registration is coming up, I’ve been looking over my degree requirements for next year and trying to figure out what courses I need to graduate. Needless to say, I’ve definitely had a few freak-out moments when I…
Don’t Stress: House Hunting 101
Stressed about back-to-school housing? This post is for you! I attended Housing Services’ House Hunting 101 presentation and here’s what I learned. You can watch the recorded livestream here. Before you start your search it's important that you determine your…
Changing Up Your Space During Quarantine!
Now that we’ve been in quarantine for a long time, I’m definitely feeling like my space is getting pretty boring, considering I'm spending so much time in it! So, I’ve been having a lot of fun changing up my surroundings…
At-home substitutes- quarantine edition
If you live in the GTA like I do, many businesses still remain closed so I wanted to write about the different ways to substitute what I would normally do for at-home alternatives 🙂 Boba: I can’t say this enough—oh…
Trying Out Hart House Online Fitness Classes!
Did you know Hart House is offering their fitness classes online? I was shocked to find out that my favourite fitness classes to attend during the school year are now accessible from my own home (over 4000 km away from…