Time to rock the world, my fellow students! I remember the first time I heard about studying abroad. I googled all the awesome summer courses for U of T students, and hooked myself onto studying Criminology in England. Every year, Woodsworth…
Not Very Upbeat at the Moment
Last... Thursday, I attended an entrepreneurship lecture entitled “"Exploring the opportunities and challenges of starting and managing a video games studio" by Tom Frencel, a U of T computer science graduate and president of Capybara Games Inc. I ran to…
NRUFBSA: Scrabble Night In Canada!
My letters: N1 R1 U1 F4 B3 S1 A1 On the board there's one E to work with, and it sits directly next to a triple word score. Holy cow. F4A1R1E1S1 : 24 points. B3R1A1N1E1S1 : 24 points. S1A1B3R1E1 :…
UTGDDC: Game Making Deathmatch, and a Tribute to Randomness
I hope you like non-linear narrative GAME MAK- Ah. Before that, did I mention our 'in-house' game project this year? We're attempting to develop, or at least flesh out the ideas needed to develop, our own game within the club.…
Death By Poetry
It's Sunday night and I'm surrounded by coke cans, empty plates, chocolate bar wrappers and bottles of Real Canadian Natural Spring Water. My neck is bent up at my screen in an unhealthy angle and I have a mighty headache…
Me: "OMGZ I HAZ TO JOIN DIS CULB" - Mark, previous exec: "Uhh, okay, sure. Just sign up here." - Me: "K SWEET CUZ I HAZ TO JOINZ I EXCIT3D" - This is what occurred at the Club Fair during…
It’s a Jungle In Here: The Barebones of the UofT Governance
I used to say to people that I really couldn’t care less about politics. Somehow, unlike my best friend, history major and pre-law, arguing and taking sides just never turned me on (intellectually). So I never bothered, because I figured,…
We had pretty low self-esteem when we boarded the plane to Saskatoon. “We” are one of the many many campus newspapers from U of T, and we knew the facts when we made our way towards the annual nation wide…
A Cup of Summation with a Dash of Fortuity
Welp, my last exam is in… 44 minutes. Not looking forward to it. For various, emotional and psychological reasons, I have not been myself this semester. Keyword: Apathy. Subtext: Delusions of grandeur. Playing the DVD backwards: Unadulterated sadness. But one…
The Coming of the End: How to [Messily?] Wrap up Loose Ends
Like most other U of T students, I have just finished the fall term for 2008 (and boy does it feel good). Unlike the majority of other students, however, the end of this term signifies for me the beginning of…