Happy post-Reading Week, dear readers! Please tell me that you also did everything but reading, because that's what I did. Thoughts on last night's Oscars? I was completely and utterly enamored with Anne Hathaway's many style changes, but that's about…
No Reading Week plans? Try cross-country skiing
Readers, how was Valentine's Day? Did you have the courage to invite your secret crush to Skate Date? If you haven't already had a chance to hit the ice, Reading Week's just around the corner and if you're staying in…
Take some initiative towards a new student initiative
Looking to get involved outside of the classroom at U of T? You’re at the right place. The Student Life website, Ulife website (and of course lifeatuoft blog) are the right places to start looking. Have you already browsed the list…
Valentine’s Day or not, try a skate date!
February 14th, the annual day of love, is almost here. This means that tons of my friends are talking about their upcoming Valentine's Day plans. Most of them envision a romantic evening of candlelight dinners and sappy movies. I'm sure…
I survived “the dentist”
Yoga instructor (to class): "If you haven't been to yin yoga before, you'll soon find out it's like a trip to the dentist." Me (to myself): "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! The dentist?! Is it too late to leave? I came to yoga to…
U of T on the tube
Last week I gave you readers a challenge when I checked out the Hart House Film Challenge. If making a video in one weekend seems like too much of a challenge for you and you preferred watching the talents of…
What do hatha, yin, and ashtanga have in common? Yoga!!!
Readers, do you know the difference between ashtanga yoga, hatha yoga, yin yoga, and Pilates? Neither did I. Or I should say, neither do I. But I’m learning. Following my commitment to get fitter and healthier, I’ve registered for the…
I might be a masochist…
masoch·ist n. A willingness or tendency to subject oneself to unpleasant or trying experiences. Exactly one year ago last Monday I embarked on what most of my friends and relatives believe is a mad journey. At the age of 31,…
Take on a new challenge this weekend… The Hart House Film Challenge!
I have always wanted to film a documentary. It's just one of those things that I would love to cross off my bucket list one day. I've since realized that films take time, skills, resources, editing, and sometimes even a…
!! SNOW !!
For the past two years, we Torontonians have seen little to no snow. There has scantly been enough snowfall in the past two winters to build a snowman with a stature even close to that of an average human. The…