Back to school this year is going to look really different. All my courses are going to be online, but there are still many ways to prepare for back-to-school! Invest in some headphones! I find that headphones with noise…
Importance of Self-Care
I was really inspired by Life at U of T blogger Olive’s blog on the importance of having an unproductive day, so this week, I decided to try it out myself! Throughout the week, I took small breaks from my…
My Summer Workout Routine
This week I’m sharing my summer workout routine (with some pretty hilarious photos)! Not going to lie, I often struggle with consistency, BUT this is the workout routine I follow when I actually get to it. What dictates my workout…
4 fun activities to do at home
Hey everyone! Before summer school started, I was feeling a little bored at home sometimes since it can seem like there’s not much to do. In this post, I wanted to share some of the fun activities that I did…
Celebrating Pride Month Online!
For me, Pride Month has always been an important time to connect with my community, reflect on LGBTQ+ history, and engage in issues that are important to me. I wrote one of my first blog posts ever reflecting on last…
Finding Mindfulness in the Midst of Things
Now more than ever may be the time people need mindfulness. Mindfulness is a way to become fully aware of your emotions, allowing you to recognize how you are feeling (perhaps sad or anxious or stressed) and accept this state…
Managing Online Summer Classes
Hey everyone! Since I’m taking summer school for the first time and it’s completely online, I thought I would share my experience with you all in this post 🙂 Regular Schedule: All of my online classes are recorded, which…
Trying Out Hart House Online Fitness Classes!
Did you know Hart House is offering their fitness classes online? I was shocked to find out that my favourite fitness classes to attend during the school year are now accessible from my own home (over 4000 km away from…
Keepin’ Active
Hey everyone, if you’re like me, then you are also somehow more behind on schoolwork than usual. Other than the sudden transition to indoors with Covid-19, the thing I’ve been struggling with the most is the lack of an exercise…
2 am Thoughts? Ways to Improve Your Sleep
I find it hard to fall asleep sometimes, especially when it’s a busy week and I have a lot to think about. What’s my schedule like tomorrow? Am I done all my readings? I often find myself lying in bed…