In the long hot hallway of the historic Hart House they gathered together. With their throats they rumbled from their deep bass tones to their high-pitched falsettos. It was like a homecoming game with local teams squaring off against foreign…
House is BIG this Week
These days "house" is the hottest term around, in all of it's many forms. We all want to have our own house in the future, maybe a big house, or a house with a tree house in the backyard. Lately…
Fire on the Dancefloor!
There is a certain spice that I personally love about second semester. Maybe it’s that the snow clears up and it gets warm again. Or maybe it’s that we have a reading week break mid way through it… hmmmm. Nope, it’s…
Why So Serious??? (No this is not Batman related)
So there you are, New Year's resolution in hand, dumbbells by your side, muscle shirt equipped. You look around the gym and see everyone else is in his or her workout zone: maybe listening to some music, grunting painfully, or…
Sweet Mother of Noms!
It seems that reality has once again struck and we are all officially back into the swing of books, tests, and all that other fun stuff. I find the third week back to always be a serious buzz kill. It's…
Chronic F.O.M.O
2 weeks left of classes *sobs*. No, actually though, ONLY TWO WEEKS LEFT OF CLASSES! Now you may ask why I might be sobbing about this. After all, time off from studies is a good thing. Heck, it's a great thing!…
Mid-Term Break + Dual/Trial Semesters?
With the mid term break officially upon us we can all officially take an extended weekend and "try" to catch up on all those readings and assignments that we so desperately need to get done before exams roll around. Yep,…
All Hallows’ Eve
So 364 days of the year we should stay away from skeletons, zombies, evil spirits, and just basically anything involving demonic stuff because let's face it, all that stuff is "bad". But one day a year in October we say,…
Everybody Likes a Gathering!
How goes it everybody? Hopefully everyone out in U of T land are killing their midterms and papers this week. Speaking of midterms... what's with that term "midterm" anyways? I think we need to strongly consider changing it to "First…
Nuit Blanche (or “White Night” for all you hipsters)
Every October, Nuit Blanche tends to do a really good job advertising on subways and street corners, enough so that every year hordes of people come out to cover the streets in crazy crowds filled with "art-goers" looking for the…