The new year is here, after what many would call a mediocre year. When reflecting on the last year, we often point out downfalls in society, and pin the disappointing parts of the year on anything but ourselves, to avoid facing the…
A Reflection of the First Semester of First Year
The first semester has come and gone, so fast that it just seems like a blur. For a first year student, it is surprising how far I've come since the end of August. In terms of my academic, social, and…
Why is My Circle of Friends Smaller in University?- Dealing with the Transition from High School
Friends. Whether you consider yourself to be an introvert, extrovert, or somewhere in between, friends act as a major support system here at university. They're the ones who you grab coffee with before a 9 am class, the ones who…
Resources to Help With Your Studies- and Where to Find Them
As a first-year student that is struggling to end the semester with decent grades, it can be easy to feel like studying is something that should be done entirely alone. However, the university has so many resources that can be…
Winter is Coming- Surviving the Oncoming Cold Weather
Reading week is over folks, and so is the joy of seeing the leaves change colour. The weather is slowly but surely getting colder, nature hibernating for the next few months as we reach the middle of the semester. While…
Balancing Studying and Relaxation During Reading Week
We've gotten through it, the first half of the semester. The long-awaited Fall Reading Week is finally here. For many of us, it's a welcomed break from the demanding schedule of classes and early mornings. For others, relaxation is hard to think…
Avoiding the Dreaded Freshman 15
Ah, the famous freshman 15. Sometimes seen as a myth or a joke, and sometimes seen as a prerequisite to university, gaining weight in first year was definitely on my mind when my schoolwork started to pick up. I knew…
My First Midterm at University- 3 Things I Would have Done Differently
October is drawing to a steady close, which also means that midterms are ending for many. As a first-year student at U of T, term tests seemingly came out of nowhere, just as I was struggling to adjust to the…
Hart House Theatre’s Heathers : The Musical
Midterms are in full swing, and for those of us who are juggling more than one midterm, life can feel pretty overwhelming. To counteract these feelings of stress and anxiety, I decided to take a break last weekend and head…