It's crunch time! I mean that literally because I have a twenty page paper due in a few days that is still in the midst of being born from my mind. I also mean that figuratively because during what has been a very painful three day essay writing marathon, I have been relieving my stress with crunchy food.
So I started on Friday night with carrots, a healthy option. These provided me with the crunch I was seeing and had the extra bonus of not messing up my writing space. This healthy option sustained my need for crunch for the night.
Saturday was required a snack with a crunch slightly more extreme crunch factor. This is why at 11pm on Saturday night instead of writing my essay I was searching through my storage room for my deep fryer. I found the fryer and proceeded to make these little wonders...

Beer battered onion rings my fellow students...mmmmmmmm! Admittedly not the healthiest of snack options, but with all that essay writing I deserved a treat. And also, onions are a vegetable...let's justify it like that.
These are fast and easy to make...get an onion, slice it into ring and pop out the centre of the rings, in a bowl mix up some flour, salt, baking soda, and cornstarch and and then stir in a cup of your favorite beer. (If you don't drink alcohol you can actually replace the beer with water.) Dip your onions in the batter and fry for 3 mins in oil warmed to 375 degrees.
So that was Saturday. On Sunday, i was feeling guilty for eating so many onion rings so I turned to another crunchy alternative that is a bot more healthy than onion rings. Toasted pita with eggplant dip.

The recipe for this is a bit more involved than the onion rings, so I'll post the link
here. This provided a low fat option that gave me the required saltiness and crunch that I was craving.
Three straight days of writing is exhausting. I don't usually do this. I like to start my papers nice and early, but this term I simply ran out of time. Now I find myself scrambling to finish the list of assignments on my calendar that are all due next week.
I find taking a few minutes to eat something really good makes weekends like this not as bad. It's a treat for every few pages I finish. It wards off sleep and lethargic writing.
If my tummy is happy then my brain usually works a lot better!
Happy writing people.
Now I have onion rings on my mind when I need to get cracking on an essay haha!
Sorry…that’s the danger of writing about yummy snacks!
Emmmm… Im hungry!
I agree mmmmmmm 🙂