Greetings my fellow U of Teers!❄
(Get it? It's peers with a "t", I'm thinking of making this a thing, if it's okay with you)
I write bearing gifts, want to know what you can do to get involved over the holidays?
First, I just need a moment to appreciate this moment. Can you believe it's already the end of our first semester, because I can't!!! I mean I've been counting down the days till this moment since my first wave of midterms but now that exams are around the corner and winter is finally here
(I mean winter is all the time in Toronto for this Jamaican girl but I'm referring to the season here), I had hoped there was more time to accomplish things other than the piles of rushed lab reports and humongous under eye bags
(thanks to the many all nighters I pulled for those very lab reports).
Well, time flies, almost as quickly as how the plans I had made flew off my calendar: to wake up earlier so I can make it to class exactly 10 minutes past the hour
(harder than it sounds when you find yourself unable to wake up without setting ten alarms), read
(textbooks of course, I always have time for novels!) more, sleep better
(what sleep?3 hours is a nap), make more friends
(while struggling not to lose the very few friends I already have), get more involved on campus
(I've clicked "interested" to so many events but never end up "going"), volunteer more or at all? Oh, and write less in italics
(clearly not happening)..... and
my list goes on much longer than this, but to save you from getting tired of my rambling and myself from further embarrassment, I'll remain positive and share some of this positivity with you! I'm feeling extra pleasant today, hmm, maybe tis the season 😉
Are you resonating with any of this? ........ I think that means yes, yeah, I knew you would totally relate, thank you.
Since we can't make up for lost time, we won't dwell in the past any longer than this second. I took the liberty to find us some things to do over the holidays now that school is temporarily not on your mind
(hopefully that's the case, you keener)
?So if you're wondering if there's anything you can do while you're waiting for Christmas to come around, here are a few suggestions from yours truly?
- Tampon Tuesday Holiday Party (drop-off donations)

Tampon Tuesday is a charity networking group that strives to bring people together while fundraising for menstrual hygiene products for women in need. They host bi-monthly networking events and encourage attendees to bring menstrual products for donation. For the month of December they will be donating all of their products to the Walmer Rd. Food Bank (near UofT campus).
"We want to bring together undergraduate and graduate students at UofT with young professionals in the workforce to build a more supportive and tight-knit community!"
Every year they host a Holiday Party for their community and club members and invite guest speakers who are leaders in the community. There'll be a raffle at the event and the money raised will be used to purchase more expensive menstrual hygiene products that attendees are less likely to donate (i.e., menstrual cups, reusable menstrual underwear).
2. Volunteer for Walmer Rd Holiday House party - Dec. 18th

Walmer Road Food Bank supports people in the Annex community every Monday with a nutritious meal and a weekly selection of groceries. They need support with serving food, set up and clean up for the holiday party on Dec. 18th! contact foodbank@walmer.ca
They receive donations from Second Harvest, and the Daily Bread Food Bank as well as through local partnerships with Cobs Bakery on Bloor Street, and the Karma Co-Op, and our generous congregation. The Walmer Road Food Bank is a member agency of the Daily Bread Food Bank and Second Harvest.
3. Regent Park Community Food Centre Market is looking for 8-10 volunteer for their Winter Eves on Thursday Dec.21st, @2pm to 8pm.

Food is playing an important role in fostering social cohesion in Toronto's newly redeveloped Regent Park neighbourhood. CRC has a long history of helping meet the basic housing, clothing and food needs of the Regent Park community. The development of the Regent Park Community Food Centre in CRC's building at 40 Oak St. strengthens existing community meal, advocacy, and gardening programs, locating the Community Food Centre's proven program mix in CRC's state-of-the-art facility. The Regent Park Community Food Centre reflects the unique and diverse neighbourhood around it, and works to meet local needs through responsive, multidimensional programming around food.
Volunteer with them! Email:
Hope these suggestions will give you an opportunity to make your Winter Break an even merrier one!
See you in the new year -
I'll be right back after this brief commercial *Alternative Reading Week (ARW) registration is still open, go sign up now!*
Happy volunteering in this season full of love and joy! ❤ ?❤ ?❤ ?
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