As much as I enjoy putting a mouth guard in and my fists up, I’m a princess at heart. A clumsy princess, but a princess nonetheless.
That's supposed to be a crown...
Only two sessions remain in my Skating Level I class at Varsity Centre. I’d say I’m going to miss it, but I already know I won’t be able to resist picking up where I left off in the new year. I registered in the class in September because my skating could only ever take me in one general direction and my favourite – and only – way to stop on skates was body-checking the boards. I’m happy to announce I’ve not only developed my skating skills and feel much more comfortable in my skates, but I’ve also gained a new appreciation for figure skating and have enjoyed my chance to be an awkward ice princess.
My first name means “grace”… I’m still waiting for that superpower to kick in. Source:
I’m amazed at how far I’ve come in only a handful of sessions with coach Shannon. I feel much less terrified and – while I’m still perfecting them – I’m looking forward to putting my new skills into practice at MoveU’s skating events and drop-in skating times in the near future. I’ve already started looking for a pair of figure skates to call my own!
Not having my own skates has been a bit of a challenge this term. I’ve really appreciated the Varsity Centre’s inexpensive option to rent, but it means a different pair of skates every week. Shannon has said she’d be really eager to see what I could do in my own skates – and so would I! I’m really hoping I’ll be able to report back on that next term… all I need is for Santa to get my letter in time.
Ellen Page says it better than I. Source:
On that note, do you know what my favourite days of the week are? Wednesday and Friday – the days I have skating or aerial silks. Come to think of it, many of my fondest memories from my years here at U of T are rooted in registered programs. To date I’ve discovered a passion for Jiu Jitsu, dabbled in the incredibly epic sport of Olympic weightlifting, fallen madly in love with circus arts and now I can’t seem to let go of skating.
You can see why it’s easy for me to encourage you all, my peers, to get out there and take advantage of some of these amazing programs we have on campus. The staff are fantastic, the facilities are a luxury to have and the diversity of programming is unbelievable. I really hope I get into U of T’s Faculty of Law as I’m just not ready to leave this all behind yet (oh, and I want to study law… duh).
Point is, I’d be really sad to hear someone let all this opportunity go to waste. Registration for registered programs beginning in the new year is open, and I recommend everyone take a peek at what’s available. My classes have made an excellent complement to my studies this term and I can’t imagine how wired I’d be if it weren’t for the chance to glide and punch and hang upside down a few times a week.
How I feel when I leave the athletic centre – and I am not even a little ashamed to admit it! Source:
P.S. MoveU’s Skate N’ Create event is coming up soon! On November 24th from 7-8:30PM join the MoveU crew and your peers across campus for some free skating and arts and crafts at Varsity Centre!
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