A hearty welcome to new U of Ters, and Big Ups to those of you continuing your very own Life @ U of T.
I’d like to you all to meet this year’s Community Crew!!

When I first met Abdullah I was amazed by the sheer knowledge he has of U of T. I learned more about U of T’s campus in five minutes than I have over the last year of being an OISE student here. A passionate advocate for post-secondary student issues on campus, Abdullah guarantees that U of T can be a really lovely place if you explore your passions and get involved. I believe it! Abdullah is this year’s Community Crew Captain. You can find him on twitter
@lifeatuoft, and on Facebook at
Life At U of T: St. George.
Melina’s upbeat energy is pretty contagious. Serious. You can’t be around her for five minutes before you’re grinning. Like from ear to ear. A fourth year Cinema Studies and Lit major, she’s got giant passions for photography, ballet, and a vegan lifestyle. When she first came to meet me, she gingerly climbed the stairs at Koffler to where I was sitting. I’m pretty sure she just wanted to tiptoe, but I could spot her distinctive style a mile away. Keep your eye on her photography skills: she’s Life @ U of T’s official Community Crew photographer, and she has quite the eye! Check out her pics on
Twitter and
When you meet Katrina, you feel as though you’ve known her for a long time. She’s so comfortable with herself that you feel all comfy too, and you just relax. Truth. Go up and say hello to her, you’ll see what I mean!
Told ya.
Katrina joins us all the way from Hong Kong with her elegant sense of style and love for science. Intramural sports, meeting amazing people, and challenging herself to do better is what makes Katrina’s world turn. She’s a Life @ U of T blogger - watch for her posts starting next week!

Michael is an Engineering student with a love for food truck fries and all things Theatre.
Sidenote: Who doesn’t love food truck fries? You can stay away from them all you want, but you know you secretly love them :D.
Um, anyway, back to Michael. U of T is huge, right? Huge - which got Michael feeling nervous about meeting people and making friends on campus at first. The complete opposite happened instead: Michael got overwhelmed by the sheer number of ways to participate in Life at U of T. These days, you can find Michael stretching his acting chops with an Improv club on campus. Just wait, maybe you’ll catch him on stage at Hart House one of these days- just maybe. But first, you’ll definitely find him on Twitter,
If Stephen’s wry, deadpan wit doesn’t have you cracking up, well…[insert witty comment here]. Stephen’s strategy for getting to know U of T: Just Say Hi (see video below). You can find Stephen making his way around campus on his trusty bicycle, or chilling out at Knox College. A combination of Sketch Comedy talent and Diabolo’s fantastic coffee make this guy who you want to keep your eye on for future Life @ U of T blogposts.
Last but not least, a big
Hello from your Community Crew:
Welcome aboard everyone! I look forward to working with you!
- Aziza
Hey aziza, I was wondering if there is still opportunities to be involved in Life@Uoft? I would love to be a blogger!!!!
Hello Lynelle,
Thank you for your comment! At the moment, all blogger positions at Life@UofT have been filled. However, if any others do come up, we will make sure we post it right here on the blog, and also on Facebook and Twitter.
Keep checking back – I wish you all the best!
-Aziza 🙂
Hi there,
I was wondering if there are any opportunities as a Community Crew Member? I would love to be apart of the team, as I share a love for the UofT Campus and take great initiative to know more about our wonderful University.
Hi Melody!
Currently, there are no positions available, but as per Aziza’s comment above, check back to our Facebook and Twitter where we will post if anything becomes available.
– Danielle.