First, I’d like to say that I’m thankful that we all didn’t die a horrible, zombie apocalypse death on December 21. Instead, we later got word that Kim and Kanye were expecting a Lil Kim, and somewhere in the universe, Ryan Seacrest just fist pumped the air in celebration.
This break started off with me breaking out the Examination Centre (the building that looks scary on the inside, but has a plant wall) in a daze. I had just written my last exam, and you know it doesn’t really sink in. Every year, I think I’m going to be like this:
and this ...
But instead, I just end up in a “well that happened” kinda trance.
My break was great and restful; I got to spend time with family and friends, did a lot of recreational reading (my goodreads account thanks me heartily), indulged in my sisters baking pursuits, worked things for ASSU and followed the Idle No More movement. That being said, after a 3 week respite from U of T, I’m ready to get back to the thick of things. It’ll be busy and at times, I will definitely want to pull my hair out but I’m the lessons of the past year and a half learned, I’m ready to take on the ivory tower once more.
Usually, around this time of year, blogs, journals, and facebook statuses are filled with something called “New Year’s Resolutions”. And truthfully, I thought about approaching this blog post that way. Why not make a list of the stuff you want to accomplish this year? But, I decided against. Lately, I’ve been reading the Motorcycle Diaries by Che Guevara. Despite Che being a revolutionary figure, so far, it’s not purely a political manifesto, but the tale of two carefree medical students riding their beloved and banged up motorcycle throughout South America. Reading through the exploits of these young men, I realized that I was taking the wrong approach. Instead of approaching the new year this way, I’ve decided to approach each day as fresh and get the most out of it. You know, yolo, carpe diem.
That’s not to say that New Years’ Resolutions are wrong, it’s good to have general goals. But unless you have a willpower to rival that of Rocky, chances are you may stumble a bit on the way. And that’s what’s beautiful about treating everyday as fresh, if you stumble and fall, you leave that experience in the past as you rise to take on the challenge of a new day. I hope that this perspective leads me to discover new things, put the best in my work and chase after new experiences on our campus.
But there are a few small goals I have for this semester:
As a blogger, I want to connect with you, U of T students more. I know how tough it can be at this university and the struggles that many students face. It’s easy to feel isolated. My goal as a blogger is not to sugarcoat things, but to relay my experience to you, so that we can connect and build on our community here at U of T. Therefore, this semester I will be incorporating more of you amazing people into my blog posts.
Finally sit down with the Muslim Chaplain, Amjad Tarsin one of these days for a chat.
Watch Season 4 of Community and hope it doesn’t disappoint. #sixseasonsandamovie
Nothing too big. Maybe I’ll see someone doing Gangnam Style in the Robarts Elevators. Maybe I’ll decide to do zumba at Hart House. The possibilities are endless.
With regards to goals we have in the future or things we want to happen in the future, the Muslim community follows future wishes with the word “inshallah” – which in Arabic means “if god wills”. It’s kind of like wishing the best for yourself and others. So on that note, inshallah, I get to make the most of my semester and I hope you do too. 🙂
Go hard, U of T.
- Abdullah
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