these are my reflections.

Ha. Usher pun. So, these few weeks have been hectically busy, I imagine, for most of us. Exams, tests and essays. I feel your pain bros. Solidarity with all of you. So, yeah naturally as a U of T student, I've been so busy preparing for exams, that I didn't really get a chance to reflect on the semester that was, until now that is. It feels like just yesterday I stepped back on main campus after four months of unproductive bliss. This semester can aptly be described as passing a hitchhiker on Route 66,  in the car in one exit, gone before the next exit. Sometimes, U of T can feel bittersweet, what with all the work and all, but looking back at my semester, I realize just how much I've done without realizing it. How much I've experienced both inside and outside the classroom. Despite the fast-paced hectic workload, I can say that this past semester was a semester that I truly enjoyed. This semester, I learned about transport proteins and the Krebs Cycle, about the marginalization of First Nations communities and about retrograde amnesia. Being a multidisciplinary student, I'm afforded the privileged of be able to take courses from a wide variety of fields and I used this to my advantage this semester. While the classes were certainly intellecutally challenging, they weren't Charlie Brown snooze fests. But, I would turn into Charlie Sheen if I didn't grow outside the classroom as well. This semester, I
  • Ran for the Arts and Science Students' Union and got involved in having a say in the decisions that will directly affect my education.
  • Became a social media jockey for the Muslim Voice Magazine (a product of the Muslim Students' Association).
  • Discovered just how good Hart House social food is.
  • Went to a Varsity Blues game (was a losing effort unfortunately).
  • Went on CIUT FM.
  • Wrote a couple articles for the Varsity + lost horribly in their office at a game of Super Smash Bros. Despite my clear inability to play the game, Davin did not spare me.
  • Discovered the comfiness of the JCR couches and the magic of $1 coffee at Diabolos.
  • Finally experienced the serenity of the Multi Faith Centre's Muffin Madness.
  • Met a LOT of people.
And now the thank yous for this semester:
Thanks to the ASSU staff and executive (Shawn, Jacob, Katharine, Megan, Oniazah, Jane, Yoko, Gavin and Kevin) for welcoming me into ASSU and working with me to improve the experience for Arts and Science students at U of T.
Thanks to the Varsity masthead for providing their support for my writing. You guys are awesome, special shoutout to Dan and Nathan for their amusing dances and Alex for his never ending puns.
Thanks to the Muslim Students' Association for providing me with an inclusive religious community on campus that is supportive and diverse. And the TMV team for producing such a great issue!
Thanks to all my profs + my awesome biology lab TA.
Thanks to Sam for the Iranian tea and social justice conversations.
Thanks to the lady who serves tea and cookies at UC, to the hipster baristas at Diabolos and to the guys who own the Popeyes on Spadina and College (what? That chicken is amazing.)
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And finally, thanks to the Life at U of T Community Crew -- working with you guys has been awesome and I look forward to another semester of hip tweets and awesome blog posts.
I wish you all the best in your exams and papers, U of T. And I hope that this holiday season treats you well, that you get to spend time with your loved ones and come out well rested.

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