I suffered a particularly nasty blow to the ego last Tuesday. A shocking midterm experience led me to “check myself, before I wrecked myself.” Thank you Ice Cube!
This midterm season sure felt bad for my health – less sleep than required, falling behind in other classes, skipping socializing and friends’ events and sitting on my fanny studying books for too long.
When I awoke from my midterm haze and stepped out into the rain 🙁 I wrote out a little post-midterm “To Do List”:
- Sleep
- Go out with friends
- Catch up on readings
- Work out!
While I haven’t gotten around to all of them yet, I did just return from a
Frosh Fit class (don’t be deceived by the name, it’s meant for all ages), and if I can say so myself, am reveling in the post-workout glow! Five stations, two different exercises per station, 30 seconds x 3 at each exercise = 3 minutes of burning sensation then 1 minute of sweet release before doing it all over again.
I was flying solo in the class; none of my friends dared to brave the slick streets of Harbord and Huron with me. Turned out I didn’t need ‘em anyways! My instructor knew I was new to Frosh Fit and showed me the ropes, and then I found myself a new friend to push through the stations with. Overall it was a very successful investment, great returns including new friends, new moves and a post-midterm catharsis. I’d hazard a guess that if you’re in midterm season right now this might be the thing for you!
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