A square containing a lightbulb, surrounded by smaller squares containing a person, a book, a pencil, and a gear

University of Toronto Faculty of Arts & Science Quality Assurance Process 2021-2022

A pencil and paper connecting to a person, connecting to a gear, connecting to a lightbulb

Fall/Winter 2021-2022

University of Toronto Quality Assurance Process (UTQAP) at the Faculty of Arts & Science

The Innovation Hub is supporting departments at the Faculty of Arts & Science in the student consultation for reviews of their academic programs based on the University of Toronto Quality Assurance Process (UTQAP) criteria. Ensuring that students receive the best experience in their academic programs as well as sharing their experience of their programs is an important aspect of this review process. The teams work in partnership with specific departments and support their student consultation, with a focus on introducing equity-related topics into the feedback process.

How can we connect with students through empathetic research and storytelling?

In partnership with the University of Toronto Quality Process (UTQAP), the Innovation Hub will continue to consult with a number of units in the Faculty of Arts & Science to receive and facilitate student feedback during the Fall-Winter 2021-2022 term. These units include:

  1. Christianity & Culture + Christianity and Education Minor programs
  2. Commerce program
  3. Master of Mathematical Finance program
  4. Centre for Comparative Literature
  5. Literature & Critical Theory Program
  6. Jewish Studies
  7. Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
  8. Urban Studies Program
  9. Writing & Rhetoric Minor Program
Magnifying glass looking at a paper