Your undergraduate years are a time to try new things, figure out what your interests are, and to take advantage of all the amazing programs and opportunities available to you. With that in mind, here is my list of recommendations to make the most of your undergrad.
Applying for Jobs: The Ultimate Guide
Want to apply for summer internships/part-time positions/full-time positions, but don't know where to begin? Well, you're in the right place and this post is just for you! One of the most crucial steps in this journey is knowing where to…
Next Steps & My Quest to Find an Internship
One of the first pieces of advice I was given when I got to university was, "Make sure you get as much work experience as possible before you graduate." Seeing as I'll be graduating shortly, I've been taking this advice…
What Your Mother Doesn’t Tell You About… Summer Jobs
Going into my first university summer, the pressure was on. After hearing the buzz around U of T about the incredible importance employers supposedly place on summer roles when hiring after undergrad, I thought my only option was to land…
Indigenous Career Fair
Shé:kon/hello, everyone! I hope you’re having a great Family Day and reading week (for those of you on Reading Week!) #JoyatUofT was a success and it was amazing to see all of the things that brought you joy both on…
A Conversation with a Friend about Life
Last week I met a friend for coffee. It was the end of summer that I saw him last — O how that winged tyrant flies! — and it was lucky because he’s graduated and he’s very busy these days.…
Field Trips…They’re not just for kids!
I'm lucky to be in a program at U of T that values hands-on learning. Theory is great and is useful in itself, but too much theory makes Lori an unhappy girl. The ratio has to be about 40:60 for…
The Romanticization of Passion
It’s a romantic thought, isn’t it - it seems we students are urged every day to “find our passion” and follow it relentlessly. It’s a kind of novelty that is almost paraded more than it is appreciated, and is essentially…
Get ready for summer!
I know. It's cold and there's a little bit of snow out there, and we are only a couple of weeks into this new semester, but, it is really time to start thinking about, if not planning, what you are…
How to make the most out of campus recruitment sessions!
Are you graduating soon? Kind of clueless about what to do after? Fear not my friends--you are definitely not alone. I, too, have been having trouble putting a title on my future. Since September is usually the month for campus…