Back in January, in the midst of all the New Year's hype, I made the same general resolutions I always do: Eat healthier. Exercise more. Try harder at school. I’m not ashamed to say that I usually break them within…
The Freshman 15
So, you've been accepted to UofT, you've planned all the courses you want to take, and you know where you're going to live in the fall. Nothing left to worry about, right? Wrong. You probably still have just a few questions…
Alumni Benefits
I’m still getting used to the idea that I am an alumna of U of T, even though I officially graduated three weeks ago. Maybe it's because I'm spending the summer here at this magnificent blog, but I don't feel…
Library Lovin’
Last week I had my very first (and maybe last?) summer school exam and I found myself once again spending a lot of time in the library. I've never been one for studying much in Robarts (although the 12th floor views…
WorldPride 2014
Everyone knows that I love living in Toronto (and if you didn't, well, now you do!), but when asked specifically what I love about the city, I tend to get hit with a random case of amnesia. It's kind of…
Campus Getaways
I would pretty confidently call myself a city person. Ever since deciding to come to the University of Toronto I’ve wholeheartedly embraced city living and I cannot see myself living outside of a city anytime in my immediate future. That…
From last September until now, I’ve made progress. I acknowledged my penchant for lying around, and I made solid goals to get myself moving. I also reached these goals and am currently in the process of reaching others. I completed…
To Prospective MoveU’ers
Right now, many high school students are looking at their offers of acceptance and making big decisions. Part of that decision is considering what a university has to offer, lifestyle-wise (hey, university is more than just academics). Staying active is…
On A Magic Bus
One of the great things about university is the endless opportunity to experience, learn, and engage with new perspectives and worldviews. Last Saturday I went on a Multi-Faith Centre hosted event, a Bus Tour of Houses of Worship in Toronto…
Cooking for yourself: A delicious adventure
We were greeted at the door by the server who was also the chef at the restaurant. He sat us down on the couch and told us to feel at home while he cooked our meal. On his way to…