Hello bloggies! I hope you enjoyed your holidays! I feel like I haven’t posted since last year. (Ha, see what I did there?) I’ve spent the past few days trying to actively pull myself out of Holiday Mode (somewhat unsuccessfully…
I’ve found my escape. What’s yours?
I love keeping myself busy with things I love doing, but sometimes living the 100-mile-an-hour student life takes its toll. I have this tendency to over-analyze and worry WAY too much about everything… so when there’s a whole bunch of…
Yoga Lovin’
We’ve all heard about the benefits of Yoga. It’s been said that those who practice the ancient activity achieve greater flexibility and balance as they age, experience lower levels of stress, and are better able to relieve body aches and…
Getting sneaky about exercise
This week was one of those weeks where it felt like everything was happening at once. I had numerous papers due, campus events to attend, readings to catch up on... it was crazy busy. We’re getting down to that chaotic…
Let’s Catch Some ZZZZzzzzzzz’s
How many times has this happened to you? You’re spending an evening enjoying time with friends, surfing the Internet, or catching up on missed work. You tell yourself that you’ll watch one more episode of your favorite show or that…
Cardio queen takes on the SCC
I’m almost half way through my second year here at U of T, and to be honest, until a few weeks ago I had not even set foot in the Strength and Conditioning Centre (SCC) at the AC. It’s been…
My intramural experience
On Saturday I played my last soccer game for the outdoor season. And then I realized – I haven’t even mentioned a word about soccer to you guys all semester! I mean, we won almost every game we played! How…
Dancing it out
Even though at times it can seem overwhelming, I’ve grown to love the fact that U of T offers us students dozens of ways to get out and try something new. And even better is that these opportunities are often…
Winter sports… minus the winter.
Well, the cold and snowy season may not be upon us yet, but if winter sports are your thing, don’t fret! Thanks to the facilities at U of T, we can enjoy some winter sports right now. And by that,…
The morning workout (and why it’s worth a shot)
I never used to be a morning person. Each year as summer approached, I looked forward to the days of no alarms and lying in bed for as long as I felt like. A typical morning went something like this:…