This is the first time that I’ve ever lived in my own place, away from parents and outside of residence. I know it’s a weird time where many of us are living at home with family, but when I was…
Now that we’ve been in quarantine for a long time, I’m definitely feeling like my space is getting pretty boring, considering I'm spending so much time in it! So, I’ve been having a lot of fun changing up my surroundings…
I never took the whole “messy room means a messy mind” thing seriously when I was growing up, no matter how many times my parents told me to clean my space. But I'm starting to have second thoughts. My room…
I think it’s safe to say I was at the point in midterm season, or huge-influx-of-essays-due-in-one-week season where my mind was frayed.
It was the kind of fraying where I just comfortably threw my clothes on my chair when I got home. I comfortably began ‘forgetting’ to put away the snacks I had on my nightstand. I comfortably hadn’t made my bed in who knows how long. I comfortably stopped using my table as a study space and instead used it as a storage for all the books and articles I had to read.
It was like when Frank Ocean sang “a tornado flew around my room before you came”, only my situation was a lot less poetic and probably wouldn’t win any awards. I’m just going to come out and say it – my room was a mess.
An example of how my room looked at the time
Who knew procrastination would not only be the reason for it but also the resolution of it?
Put down that book, television remote, lap top, phone etc. What do you see? What you are probably looking at, especially if you are at home, is a messy mess. It’s no surprise that during the most stressful time of…
I am trying to figure out why it is that some people have already had mid-terms, some are in the process of mid-terms, and people like me don’t have mid-terms until next week. No matter which category you fall into,…