It’s finally here… that time of year we’ve been awaiting (read: dreading): BACK TO SCHOOL.
Try not to be too upset Source:
Orientation week is well under way and it’s nice to see campus back to its regular hustle bustle! The energy is infectious!
Once next week rolls around, it might be a little difficult to transition to the academic state of mind. Instead of falling behind and being a mess of books and paper (or laptops and smartphones, in this digital age) use your orientation week energy to do some back to school prep!
I can almost hear the collective groaning.
Here are some examples of my go-to back-to-school tasks! I always do these to try to prepare myself for the year ahead!
1) Getting Organized – Calendars are your friend. Just let them love you. I write down everything on my calendar to stay on top of my work and extracurricular activities. I also like to have an agenda handy for when there’s too much to write on the calendar (At some point, it will happen. Just accept it). The UTSU has free ones in their office!
The calm before the storm.2) Prepping for classes – I READ ALL THE SYLLABI. I don't want to be that one student that walks into the first class having not done the reading. It is not a nice experience. Sometimes, even if the professor doesn’t have a syllabus up, you might be able to find out about your textbook lists (either for buying, or for budgeting purposes) from the U of T Bookstore's course-based textbook search.Sometimes your books won't be listed with the bookstore, so always make sure to double check with your professor!3) Clubs Ahoy - Now that club’s fair is over, and you’ve undoubtedly found out about an insane amount of clubs that interest you, keep an eye out for their welcome events! Some clubs do this so new members and anyone interested can come join them and get an even better idea of what it’s like to be involved with them!
Navigating the crowds is definitely worth the clubs you'll end up finding and falling in love with!
Before you know it, you’ll be back to your studious selves and will be diving back into the books with a refreshed outlook on life (until midterms of course). But hey, absence makes the heart grow fonder, so you’ll be awaiting orientation with a newfound appreciation come next year!
How do you get prepped for school U of T? Let me know down in the comments or on twitter @Api_UofT.
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