In fall 2011, I received a sort of wake-up call... I went exploring the corridors of Hart House and discovered that they’ve got a gym and a pool there. Since then, I’ve decided I should really become more familiar with all the facilities and services available to students at U of T, and actually start using them too! If you’ve been following my posts, then you’ve seen that lately I’ve been busy seeking out more ways that I can use my student status to score other deals on campus. My latest discovery? Just three simple words. I’m talking about the..
It’s just what it sounds like: A good bunch of fruits and veggies, delivered right to campus for one amazing price! It sounds too good to be true, but thanks to FoodShare – a non-profit organization dedicated to making fresh, healthy food accessible to all – these boxes are available on a bi-weekly basis for us students through UTSU. I had heard a bit about this service a while ago, but kind of forgot about it. When the farmer’s market in my neighborhood closed for the season I figured now would be a great time to get one. I had no idea what to expect – and that made it all the more exciting! It kind of felt like I was opening up a gift when I went to retrieve my box on Wednesday at the UTSU office; the contents are always a surprise as they change depending on the season and availability. I was also quite surprised by the sheer amount of food I received! I ordered the small box for $13, which got me ALL THIS GOODNESS:
You can choose from a range of options – big box, small box, just fruit, all organic… there’s really something for everyone. Each box also comes with a cute little inventory list of what you should have received and the Good Food News biweekly newsletter, which includes a recipe idea.
My small box!One of the big boxes. They start at $18.
I think what I like best about the Good Food Box program is that it makes grocery shopping so much easier. I’m so bad at grocery shopping – I never have time to make a good list, and so when I see the aisles or farmer’s market tables overflowing with fruits and veggies, I never know what I should buy. But this week it was no stress, ‘cuz all I had to do was show up with some sturdy tote bags and pack up all my goodies to carry home!
If all this talk has got you convinced to order a box after all, it’s not too late! You can still get one with the next shipment if you order on or before Monday, November 5th either in person at the UTSU office or online by midnight. The program runs all year round though, so you can order every second Monday.
Hooray for good food!
We get a fruit box delivered from fruitfull offices that is a real treat. I wish we could get veggies delivered too.