December 21 marks the first official day of winter, but U of T students are already facing the wrath of cold winds, piles of snow, and longer commutes. Winter truly tests my tolerance level, but I have a few strategies…
Speaking to Power: An Event Dedicated to Effective Communication
“FIVE RULES TO WRITING: Don’t think. Keep your hand moving. Don’t censor. Write the worst crap possible. You don’t have to share.” When I entered the room for last week’s Speaking to Power event, this was the first thing I…
I Got My Flu Shot on Campus!
It's only getting colder. Expect more sniffles and coughs to come. Flu season has arrived. The flu is very different from a cold and can be spread through respiratory droplets when someone infected coughs around you. The flu shot is…
Reflecting on The Matchstick: Amnesty International’s Youth Newspaper
Hey everyone! I wanted to take some time to reflect on my journey with The Matchstick, Amnesty International's Youth Newspaper, focusing my post on the process of getting the newspaper re-launched as well as my vision for the year ahead! I've…
3 Hacks on Surviving 9 am Classes
It’s no surprise that 9:00 am classes are my least favourite. The commute is slower, the weather is gloomy and cold, and everyone is drained of energy. To make matters worse, my commute to campus is around an hour and…
Life Over Stress, Part 1
This past week I attended one of U of T’s stress management workshops. If any of you have time I definitely suggest going to the workshops offered by Academic Success—and for those of you who can’t, have no fear because…
TIFA Small Press Market and The Arts: Community and Personal Fulfillment
As a new initiative in the Toronto International Festival of Authors (TIFA), I tabled for Augur Magazine (along with Terese Pierre and Lawrence Stewen!) at the Small Press Market in Harbourfront Center last Saturday. It was a very low-key area,…
Experiencing the Places of Worship Bus Tour
This past Sunday I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to attend the “Places of Worship Bus Tour”. The purpose of this event was to give every attendee a greater understanding of different faiths. The event also focused heavily…
Being Restful and Productive During Reading Week
Congratulations everyone! We have finally made it to Reading Week! These last two weeks have been extremely stressful, and I found myself in an endless cycle of waking up, attending lectures, and then going home and immediately start studying. Last…
Textual Studies with a Twist
In Trinity’s Divinity Common Room, a small and incredibly friendly group of people meet weekly to discuss different readings from Islamic, Christian, and Jewish scripture. I was immediately intrigued by the idea of learning more about religious texts, especially considering…