Graduating is a pretty exciting concept. You’ve survived the onslaught of assignments and tests, and as a reward you never have to set foot in the Exam Centre again. This is the time to celebrate, graduating students! You did it!…
Take A Walk
With this new blog came commitment, and with commitment came a well-organized action plan to tackle my new lifestyle change. And it was an easy task—I just had to: • Get acquainted with the Hart House gym and the Athletic…
Why I love U of T
With Valentine's Day on our collective consciousness I thought that now would be an ideal time to share with all of you the things I love about the institution I have dedicated the past five years of my life to.…
New online course evaluations: what you need to know
As you may or may not know (but you'll soon be an expert) the University of Toronto is implementing online course evaluations this year, replacing the old paper forms. This topic is especially pertinent as the end of term is…
The pursuit of knowledge
If you are lucky enough to have the opportunity to study something you really like, then you could enjoy your next four years as an undergraduate. But if you are like me and you want to study a lot of…
Seeing clearly
A perk of being an optometrist’s daughter is that you get to test out revolutionary technology. As a self-proclaimed, passionate anti-glasses individual, I've looked far and wide for a solution, and orthokeratology (ortho-k) is the answer. What is ortho-k, you…
Welcome to UpbeaT!
HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO READERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome Back! Welcome back to a new school year, filled with potential for exciting new student experiences, crazy stresses, and an overall back-bending, mind-numbing fantastic experience of U of T student trial and tribulations. As we dip into…