Wandering around clubs fair during Orientation Week often produces an overwhelming adrenaline rush; we grab brochures, freebies and put our names down on a lot of mailing lists. New year. New start. September is the month to try new things.…
The Jolly Season of Midterms
Oh midterm season, that dreadful time of year when everyone hides in their rooms or at the library, with their heads buried in their textbooks, forgetting that they ever had a social life. As a second-year student, I know the…
Working Those Work-Study Positions
Getting involved on campus can have you spending afternoons in ways you never thought you would. I have moved dozens of boxes of books at a college book sale, interviewed complete strangers in the Arbor Room for a blog, entered…
The Numbers Game
I often hear myself telling friends that university is a numbers game. Some weeks it is simply impossible to finish all the required readings and assignments. Often, we're forced to choose one task over another. The equations and ratios that are…
From Spectating to Participating: the time to get involved is now
With the first week of March now upon us, we students are entering that proverbial 'crunch time' of late nights, libraries, and fancy lattes to help us cope with it all. And this year, more than most, seems to have…
It’s Crunch Time!
It's crunch time! I mean that literally because I have a twenty page paper due in a few days that is still in the midst of being born from my mind. I also mean that figuratively because during what has…
Where did I put my dunce cap?
Have you ever been told something and in that exact moment you are wondering how it is possible that you ever lacked this information. You wonder if you really did in fact know this information. You convince yourself that you…
Student Burn Out — Stressful Times Call For Simple Measures
Most of us have days when we feel overloaded, overwhelmed, and underappreciated. When the dozen or so balls we keep in the air aren’t manageable. When dragging ourselves out of bed requires the determination of Hercules. It's called burn out.…
The Next Step: Finding a Solution
A couple of weeks ago, amidst my blurry week of examhaustion and essay-frenzy, I had hit the caffeine ceiling with my intake, and the results were far from pretty. After accepting the fact that it had become an issue, it…
Yoga Lovin’
We’ve all heard about the benefits of Yoga. It’s been said that those who practice the ancient activity achieve greater flexibility and balance as they age, experience lower levels of stress, and are better able to relieve body aches and…