Being productive is good for our mental health. It’s even more rewarding to be productive when you’re completing an intentional and mapped out plan. Being a university student means we must have specific strategies for completing assignments all the time.…
A Much Needed Break
It’s Reading Week!! YASSS! Mid-October to November is usually the busiest time during the semester, so a fall reading week is precisely what I needed in my life. Some of you lucky ones get to go home for the break,…
Things you can do at libraries other than cry
As U of T students, we may not have much time, but we do have libraries. So, what do you do when your usual corner to cry in is taken? What do you do when you just can’t focus, when…
Indigenous Language Revitalization
One of the things that brought me to Toronto was to attend George Brown College for their American Sign Language and Deaf Studies program back in 2011. Many people—myself included, prior to taking that program—assume that there is a universal…
Indigenous Education Week!
First Nations House is celebrating their 25th anniversary at U of T and this week marks the beginning of Indigenous Education Week! All events are free and open to the public. (Click here for Facebook events page) (Click here for…
Getting Involved: Clubs on Campus
U of T’s student organizations welcome freshmen with open arms. After all, new students are every club’s future leaders. With multiple Club’s Days, and Open Houses, there’s no shortage of ways to get involved with groups that pique your interest.…
Eating Healthy
After living in my college’s residence for two years, I decided it was finally time to venture out and escape the little bubble I often found myself in on campus. Now that I am living off campus I have suddenly…
A New Take on Group Studying
When I think of studying in a group, I think about procrastinating and spending my time chatting rather than actually studying. However, my opinion changed this week when I attended an Academic Success Study Hub in the Koffler Student Services…
Online course groups: A savior or a sin?
Living in a digital world only makes it natural that you bring your laptops to class to enhance learning. It helps you take down notes, research during class, if required, revise and summarize notes. It seems right that you be…
Making Distance Work (The Friendship Version)
One of my favourite parts of being a university student is meeting new people. At the University of Toronto, I’ve crossed paths with folks from all over the world, some of whom I’m lucky to call my best friends. This…