"When do you find time to sleep!?" people often ask me. (I like to keep busy). My response is usually something like "Sleep finds time for me". Truly, since first year, my sleep schedule has become increasingly erratic. I find myself…
Uh oh, I slept through my final exam!
“Mum, I slept through my final exam.” Of all the horrors film can provide, and no matter what craziness happened on Friday night at the Hart House of Horrors Halloween Party, this will forever be one of my life’s more…
Coffee, Coffee, Coffee: A Search for an Alternative around Kensington Market
Like most students, I absolutely love coffee. Although I am not a PSL drinker (if you don’t know what that is, pat yourself on the back), I do love my vanilla lattes and cappuccinos. Recently, however, I have been drinking…
Student hacks: The Sleep Edition
Oh, the romanticization of the coffee-addicted student who sacrifices their sweet slumber at the expense of marks. It is no secret that at some point during the semester, many students will lose sleep over their assignments and exams. But let’s…
Staying active while sick 101
If you’ve gone outside within the last few weeks, then you’re aware of how brutal the weather is in Toronto. This means many students are getting sick. Sadly, I am one of said students. For many university students, catching a…
New Year, New Resolutions.
It’s 2014. Second semester has already started and I’m still trying to settle in. Along with my two full-year courses, I’ve got three new half-year courses, so my schedule has completely changed. And speaking of change, my schedule isn’t the…
Staying Productive Over the Holidays
They say that what really defeated Hannibal Barca in his war against ancient Rome was the winter he spent at Capua. His soldiers became soft. They ate and drank and slept and relaxed, and when spring came around they were…
Little Things Count Too
With the semester coming to an end, I find myself focused on reaching the big goals that I set for at the beginning of the school year. Just to recap, my ambition for this blog is to build the habit…
Essay Writing Dos and Don’ts
Warning: Now entering Essay Alley, a two-month span of the academic year known for an increase in essay-related stress, anxiety, and all out no-good-not-niceness. Luckily, the unofficial U of T Essay Writing Dos and Don’ts is here to help. (Have…
Take A Walk
With this new blog came commitment, and with commitment came a well-organized action plan to tackle my new lifestyle change. And it was an easy task—I just had to: • Get acquainted with the Hart House gym and the Athletic…